I have multiple different DF Taskbar shortcuts that indirectly launch certain applications and I would like to find some way for those pinned taskbar icons to be combined with the application that's launched indirectly.
Below is an example shortcut to explain this better:
Clicking this taskbar shortcut runs the VBS file above (which kills and re-runs Vegas, it's been buggy and having issues launching for me and this is a bandaid). Once Vegas has finally launched, the taskbar button for the Vegas window does not share a taskbar button with the
shortcut that I initially clicked to launch Vegas. This is unsurprising since the shortcut I had clicked to launch Vegas is actually a shortcut to a VB script, not to the Vegas executable.
Now just earlier today, I dicovered the DisplayFusion advanced setting
Group Buttons Only by App ID
So here's what I tried...
• Click shortcut to launch Vegas
• Right-click freshly-launched Vegas window's Taskbar icon > Pin this program to Taskbar
• Right-click newly-pinned Vegas Taskbar shortcut >
• Copy contents of , which are: {6D809377-6AF0-444B-8957-A3773F02200E}\VEGAS\VEGAS Pro 19.0\vegas190.exe
• Right-click shortcut >
• Paste above App ID in
• Click OK > Save
• Close Vegas Pro
• Right-click newly-pinned Vegas Taskbar shortcut > Unpin this program from Taskbar
• Click shortcut to launch Vegas
Now what I was
hoping for was that by setting the App ID of my existing
pinned Taskbar shortcut to the same App ID that's present in a
regular Vegas Pro pinned DF Taskbar shortcut, that the taskbar button for Vegas Pro's window would share the same button with the
pinned shortcut. But that's not what happened. Instead, the Vegas window just has its own separate taskbar button like normal.
Is it possible for me to achieve what I'm wanting to with the
Group Buttons Only by App ID
setting? If it's not possible with that setting, is there some other way to accomplish what I'm trying to do? If it's not possible at all, can someone please explain to me what the purpose of that setting is?