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4 discussion posts

I have something that triggers DisplayFusion to go haywire and i can't pin down what it is.
Usually DF sits bobbling around 5% CPU and <200MB RAM.
Then my PC will start playing up, explorer hanging or Samsung Magician crashed and if i get task manager started i'll see DF is using 20% CPU and RAM is high - i have seen it at 19GB once when i'd been away from my PC and come back.

If i catch it i can sit and watch in taskmanager as the RAM usage just grows and grows until a i restart DF and then it'll be ok again - sometimes for the rest of the day, sometimes not.

I have a level 1 debug log ready to upload and a memory dump (although that's 450mb zip so too large), when i spotted a problem memory was around 500MB and climbed to 1.6GB while i was exporting the logfile and doing the dump - it had got to 1.9GB by the time i then restarted DF.
The time for the DebugLog was around 18:44 when i ntroiced it was likely misbehaving again.

As i sit typing this <10mins later i can see DF is at 80% CPU and RAM usage is 500MB and climbing rapidly - as in >1MB/Sec

CPU has now dropped to 10% but RAM is 750MB and still climbing.


• Attachment [protected]: [1,198,886 bytes]
21 days ago (modified 21 days ago)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Does it seem to spike on a timer, or is it sporadic?
20 days ago  • #2
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4 discussion posts
It seems sporadic, at first i wondered if it was triggered when i used multimonitor tool shortcuts to flip my primary monitor between work/gaming mode but it can happen when i haven't done that.
I use the snipping tool a lot as part of my job and thought it could be that maybe - but that's as much because when things have gone doolally the smipping tool might be what forewarns me as there's a big delay between hitting the shortcut keys and the tool activating.
20 days ago  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
The next time the usage is high can you open Windows Task Manager, click the Details tab, then right-click DisplayFusion.exe and choose "Create Dump File" and upload the file here?

16 days ago  • #4
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I think i've uploaded it, the page didn't seem to give confirmation, just reloaded.
DF was using 2.9GB and 90% COU, by the time Windows had created the dump it was 3.7GB
So i had to split the resulting 760MB zip into 2 files for your upload limit - i assume i could load 2 files <500MB in one go...


15 days ago  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Ah yeah it's too big, it won't send. Can you send it over something like WeTransfer or Google Drive?
14 days ago  • #6
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4 discussion posts
Sure, shared link to GDrive attached
• Attachment [protected]: downloadlink.txt [82 bytes]
14 days ago (modified 14 days ago)  • #7
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for sending that over, we'll take a look into it and let you know if we need any other info.
13 days ago  • #8
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