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10 discussion posts
I don't really do a lot of these so i'll do my best to describe the problem.
The new beta 12 update is causing a couple issues. My CPU usage has increased massively i was at 1-3% now im at 17+% consistantly. The screen saver funtion doesn't work either if i click "Allow DisplayFusion to manage the Screen Saver" it hangs then crashs the settings menu but not the actually displayfusion itself only the settings menu which is strange.
• Attachment [protected]: [32,040 bytes]
Feb 13, 2022  • #1
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I thought this might help.
• Attachment [protected]: d3abb821b0ad1f6c3eeb9d5fbbf13410.mp4 [364,104 bytes]
Feb 13, 2022  • #2
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25 discussion posts
I'm seeing the same issue with the Screen Saver option. If I click on the tab from Settings, or select it from the right-click context menu, it just hangs for a few seconds and then crashes.

10.0 beta 12 on Windows 11
Feb 13, 2022  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

I was able to reproduce that screensaver issue on my end, so I've added it to our list to look into.

For your CPU usage issue, do you have multi-monitor taskbars enabled in DisplayFusion? If so, can you try disabling that and see if the issue persists?

Feb 15, 2022  • #4
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I did some tinkering and in the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\ScreenSavers I set ScreenSaversEnabled to 0, which turned off "Allow DisplayFusion to manage the screen saver."

Now when I open the screen saver settings in DisplayFusion, it doesn't crash. I did this because I noticed my screensaver wasn't kicking in at all. Now that I've told DisplayFusion to not manage it, I want to see if the screensaver starts working again.
Feb 16, 2022 (modified Feb 16, 2022)  • #5
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The cpu usage is same with multi taskbar enabled or not same with screen saver on or off
Feb 16, 2022  • #6
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Interesting, If you open the DisplayFusion Settings window and disable some of the main settings (Titlebar buttons, Wallpapers, Triggers, etc.) does anything in particular cause a drop in usage?

Feb 16, 2022  • #7
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Sorry for the delay had some family issues.
no cpu usage stays the same.
Feb 26, 2022 (modified Feb 26, 2022)  • #8
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Fred Greco
173 discussion posts
I'm having the same screen saver issues. I posted it here:

Using the registry edit above, I can turn off DF's management of the screen saver and now it works under Windows management.
Feb 26, 2022 (modified Feb 26, 2022)  • #9
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7 discussion posts
I am also having higher than normal CPU usage DisplayFusion Version 10.0, Beta 12. It used to be under ~1-2% most of the time. Now it is consistently around ~10%. I run 3 monitors and I tried to disable Multi-Monitor Taskbars and restarting DisplayFusion but it still maintains the same CPU usage.

Looks like there is another thread on this issue:
Mar 2, 2022 (modified Mar 2, 2022)  • #10
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We've just released a new beta that should fix up the screensaver issues. We also made some adjustments that may improve the CPU usage.

Please let me know if you run into any issues after updating.

Mar 4, 2022  • #11
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CPU usage no change. Screensaving is accessible again. I keep reverting back to Beta 11 to preserve performance. If you have any questions id be happy to assist any way I can. Love this program :)
• Attachment [protected]: [32,710 bytes]
Mar 4, 2022  • #12
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We've just released a new beta that should fix up the screensaver issues. We also made some adjustments that may improve the CPU usage.

Please let me know if you run into any issues after updating.


Beta 13 seems to have solved my CPU usage issues. I am back to under 1% and most of the time around ~0.4% usage.
Mar 8, 2022  • #13
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Fred Greco
173 discussion posts
The update has fixed the screen saver issue. I am still running around 4% CPU usage all the time.
We've just released a new beta that should fix up the screensaver issues. We also made some adjustments that may improve the CPU usage.
Please let me know if you run into any issues after updating.
Mar 8, 2022 (modified Mar 8, 2022)  • #14
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
@Ryan11241 Okay thanks for letting us know, we're going to make some further changes for our next beta.

@ComfyGrapes23 Glad to hear!

@FredGreco Has your CPU usage risen with our last few betas?

Mar 14, 2022  • #15
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CPU usage still around 12-16% consistantly.
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Mar 31, 2022  • #16
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Fred Greco
173 discussion posts

Yes. I'm now on Beta 14 and running consistently 10-15% CPU when I have DF's taskbar function on. When I turn the taskbar function off, it is 1-4%. On Beta 13 with the Taskbar function on I was running 15-20%. See my other thread here:

@Ryan11241 Okay thanks for letting us know, we're going to make some further changes for our next beta.

@ComfyGrapes23 Glad to hear!

@FredGreco Has your CPU usage risen with our last few betas?

Mar 31, 2022  • #17
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
@Ryan11241 We're going to see if we can see what caused the spike in between beta 11 and beta 12, so I've noted your contact information down. We'll be sure to let you know if we have anything further.

Apr 7, 2022  • #18
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No change in CPU usage. still 10-17% consistently.
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Apr 9, 2022  • #19
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Is there any Known program conflicts?
Apr 9, 2022  • #20
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
No specific programs known to cause high CPU usage, but there certainly could be a conflict. If you have a program you think might be a culprit, you can add it to the DisplayFusion Compatibility list, and disable application hooks to see if that helps.

Apr 11, 2022  • #21
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We've just released a new beta with some further changes. Let me know if there are any changes after updating.

May 16, 2022  • #22
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10 discussion posts
So frustrating that, it's still showing 16-20%. I don't know how to I can help get this fixed so if there's anything I can do to help fix this let me know I don't mind doing some troubleshooting for you guys.
• Attachment [protected]: [30,548 bytes]
May 16, 2022  • #23
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Fred Greco
173 discussion posts
We've just released a new beta with some further changes. Let me know if there are any changes after updating.


Beta 16 is better than 15, but still higher CPU with the DF taskbar enabled (4-8%)
May 16, 2022  • #24
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
@Ryan11241 Interesting, and beta 11 still runs in the 1-3% range?

May 17, 2022  • #25
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Yes Beta 11 is 1-3%
May 19, 2022  • #26
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Okay thanks for confirming, we've re-opened this to take a look into.

May 19, 2022  • #27
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Would you be able to try out 10.0 Beta 19? We've made some improvements to the CPU usage so I'm curious to find out if it's helped on your machine.

Jan 17, 2023  • #28
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Fred Greco
173 discussion posts
I'm not sure if that reply was directed to me, but I have not been having CPU problems for a while. On beta 19 and CPU is 1.0% or less
Jan 17, 2023  • #29
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks Fred, that's great to hear!
Jan 17, 2023  • #30
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