2 discussion posts
Hello, I'm having a high CPU issue with Display Fusion. I am currently on version 7.3.4. In an attempt to figure out another issue and to rule out Display Fusion as the cause, I updated to 8.1.2. Ever since then Display Fusion has been using 75-90% of my CPU. I tried down grading to 8.1.1 and then eventual back to 7.3.4. Still now luck. I have reviewed some previous discussion on high CPU usage and I have anticipated what might be asked from from me. Attached is a screen shot of DisplayFusion.EXE properties as well as the log. I only pulled the minimal log. Let me know if you need the detailed log. This all started 5 days ago.
Yep! Nothing out of the ordinary there. If you disable the application hooks in the Settings > Advanced Settings window, then restart DisplayFusion, does that make any difference?