Michael Hill265300
3 discussion posts
I am currently experiencing problems with recording key combinations for Displayfusion functions. I use the "size and move window" functions quite a bit and had them bound to ctr+win+(up,down,left, right). However, in the 7.2 update it seems these we're reset to unassigned and any attempt at re-recording them has been unsuccessful. Other default hotkey combinations work, I just can't record new ones.
Do you get an error message when you try to assign them? Also, which version of Windows are you running?
Michael Hill265300
3 discussion posts
No error message, it just refreshed the screen and didn't assign them. I am running windows 10. If it helps I was messing around with it earlier and it seems that it is an issue with assigning arrow keys to the shortcut. Might be something new prohibiting assigning arrow keys? It was working well in the last version.
Interesting. What's the exact key combination you're trying to set?
Michael Hill265300
3 discussion posts
I enjoyed setting the Size and Move Window to __ side of monitor to Ctrl+Win+ (arrow key Direction)
It worked great before updating but now the key combination was wiped with the update and when I go to record the combo in the function settings the function list just refreshes but doesn't record it.