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5 discussion posts
I've just started using the software (on a Windows 10 machine with dual monitors). I have no idea if this functionality already exists or whether it would be very difficul to implement. Any help appreciated!
Typically, I'd open a new window for a program in the taskbar using Windows + number. It doesn't matter much where the mouse appears in the window (near the top left for preference).
Oct 8, 2021 (modified Oct 8, 2021)  • #1
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5 discussion posts
It seems like I can define a second Windows + key (e.g. Win + [) to
"Move Mouse Cursor to Centre of Active Window".
So is it possible to create a single hotkey to carry out the two consecutively e.g Win + 1 followed by Win + [.
And the same for other digits!.
Oct 8, 2021 (modified Oct 9, 2021)  • #2
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

If you create a scripted function in DisplayFusion (DisplayFusion Settings > Functions > Scripted Function > Add Scripted Function), you can use this line to send key combinations: BFS.Input.SendKeys("");

As you type in that line, it should prompt you for the keys you want to send in the quotations. You can then add a hotkey to the script.

Hope that helps!
Oct 8, 2021  • #3
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5 discussion posts
Thaks Owen,
I'll try that.
Oct 8, 2021 (modified Oct 9, 2021)  • #4
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5 discussion posts
Thanks Owen - works perfectly.
So now I have ({WIN} + digit from numeric keypad) as a shortcut for my Taskbar programs. For example, {WIN} + 1 sends {WIN}({VK_49}){WIN}({VK_219}) where VK_219 is invariant but VK_49 changes for each program.
The natural next step would be to pass the digit VK_49 as a parameter rather than having a separate scripted function for each digit.
I see that parameters can be passed in Triggers and Custom Functions but that doesn't seem to be available in Scripted Functions. It doesn't seem like I can just replace my Scripted Function with a Custom Function.
Any suggestions appreciated.
Oct 9, 2021  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

It would likely be easier if you wrapped the whole thing into one scripted function. Here's an example using chrome:


BFS.Application.Start("C:\\ProgramFiles\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe", "");
IntPtr window = BFS.Application.GetMainWindowByFile("*chrome.exe*");
BFS.DisplayFusion.RunFunction("Move Mouse Cursor to Centre of Active Window");

Let me know if that works for you.

Oct 12, 2021  • #6
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5 discussion posts
Thanks Owen, I'll check it out.
I'm currently using a trigger
which allows me to open a taskbar app or scroll through the open windows and offset the mouse cursor a lttle from the top left corner.
That seems to do pretty much what I want - may need some tweaking.


public static void Run(IntPtr windowHandle)
// Get the window's current bounds.
Rectangle currentWindowBounds = BFS.Window.GetBounds(windowHandle);
// Move mouse offset from Top Left.
BFS.Input.SetMousePosition(currentWindowBounds.X + currentWindowBounds.Width/20, currentWindowBounds.Y + currentWindowBounds.Height / 20);
• Attachment [protected]: Trigger.jpg [75,387 bytes]
Oct 12, 2021  • #7
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