Lee Beck
11 discussion posts
I'm having problems with my display and part of it is being unable to "duplicate these displays". I'll troubleshoot this later. But for now, I'd like to simply disable display fusion from starting.
At present I'm only able to operate BIOS and other utilities on my lo res monitor. This is annoying during troubleshooting.
I'd like to simply disable display fusion from starting.
Lee Beck
11 discussion posts
Okay. Being impatient I uninstalled DF. Now, even with DF uninstalled, I still get a boot screen only on my second monitor. I'm getting frustrated and thinking of DF as some sort of virus.
Can someone please tell me how to use ONLY my main hi-def monitor as my display so that I can enter BIOS and continue to troubleshoot my main problem??
Lee Beck
11 discussion posts
Now - With my other problem *apparently* resolved - how do I reinstall my pro license?
1 discussion post
I own a LG 38 inch widescreen. The purpose of the widescreen was to be able to see two windows in full-size at the same time. I bought DisplayFusion Pro, I don't think I like it. How do I disable it without uninstalling it.? The reason I purchased the product was to be able to have dual screens however, it basically shrinks the screens.
Mar 23, 2019 (modified Mar 23, 2019)
You can disable it temporarily by right-clicking the DisplayFusion tray icon (or the DisplayFusion taskbar) and choosing Exit.
Unfortunately DisplayFusion can't scale the windows (e.g. it can't "zoom out" a window to make it behave like a full size window inside a smaller split.
Please let us know if you have any further questions at all.