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5 discussion posts
I've got three Audio devices: A wireless headset, a wired headset and a monitor with speakers.

The ability to use DF to change between those using a monitor profile was a selling point for me. It sounds great in theory, but in practice it makes me violent.

I created one profile called "Blue". It's for my wired headset. When I go to click on the arrow on the save button to create a NEW profile, I get an error dialog saying that profile is already saved.


So, in order to create a new profile, I have to change something. So I unchecked the wallpaper box and created a profile for my wireless headset ("Void") and unchecked screensaver to create the other ("HDMI").

Now, can I go back and check those unchecked boxes and save them? NOPE. The minute I check the box, it suddenly "detects" the Blue profile and switches to it, preventing me from saving to the correct profile because Blue HAS ALREADY BEEN SAVED.

AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *boom, head exploded*

At this point, I'm half tempted to copy the program onto a CD, uninstall the program from my computer, then take my gun and the CD to the local firing range and shoot the CD until I feel better.
Oct 7, 2016  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The reason you can't save duplicate Monitor Profiles is because DisplayFusion uses the detection to know when/which Wallpaper/Desktop Icon Profile to load, and which Audio Device to load.

If your monitor configuration isn't changing, it won't know which Audio Device to load. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you just want to switch audio devices with a hotkey? If so, there are a couple of things you can do. On the Settings > Functions tab, you can assign key combinations to the "Set Next/Previous Playback Device as Default" functions.

Alternatively, you can load a specific audio device using Scripted Functions. If you'd like to do that, please let me know and I'll send over a sample Scripted Function.

If I totally missed the mark, let me know! :)
Oct 9, 2016  • #2
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