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Joanne Jones1
1 discussion post
I've used displayfusion on my work computer for several months to help me manage my dual HP monitors. My desktop has Windows XP, which probably won't be upgraded until March 2014 (I'm at the end of the upgrade queue). I currently have displayfusion v5.1 free installed.

A few weeks ago I rebooted my computer, only to find that my 2nd monitor suddenly would not work. It would only display this message before going to sleep:

Input Signal Out of Range
Change settings to 1600x900 - 60Hz

I verified the monitor's settings everywhere I could think of and they were all set correctly to 1600x900 and 60hz. I checked all the cords and connections but wondered if it was a faulty monitor. To try one last thing before calling the help desk, I uninstalled displayfusion. After rebooting, my 2nd monitor started working again!

I went a few weeks without using it but I accidentally messed up my wallpaper last week and decided to try again. Everything worked fine for several days and a few reboots.

Then I needed to reboot this morning and it happened again. I can't find anyone else having this issue via Google so I thought I would ask here. I like displayfusion and would like to keep using it, but it doesn't seem to like me. Any assistance troubleshooting would be appreciated.
Nov 7, 2013  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Strange! DisplayFusion shouldn't be causing an issue like that. The next time it occurs, could you send me a copy of the DebugInfo.html file (can be found by clicking the Open Log button on the Settings > Troubleshooting) tab, and then do the following?

  • Disable the "Start With Windows" option on the Settings > Options tab
  • Reboot your machine
  • Try to enable the second monitor again

Nov 7, 2013  • #2
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