2 discussion posts
I have a batch file setup to save a windows position profile using the command line. The batch file works great until the second time when you need to overwrite the profile with the same name. The problem I keep having is the profile overwrite dialog box keeps coming up even though I have changed the advanced options to "Don't show overwrite confirmation when saving". Is there a fix for this or a way to completely disable the overwrite confirmation outside of the advanced options.
Where are the windows position profiles saved?
Ah, that Advanced Setting is only for the Desktop Icon Profiles. I've put a ticket on our list to add one for the Window Position Profiles as well.
You can view and edit the Window Position Profiles on the DisplayFusion Settings > Window Position Profiles tab. The actual settings are stored in the registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\WindowPositionProfiles
2 discussion posts
Good to know this will make it into a future release. Any idea which future version will contain the advanced option to turn off the prompt?
Otherwise I was thinking of deleting the registry entry as a workaround.