Modern Trash
2 discussion posts
I just recently noticed that the key combination for moving windows between monitors wasn't working on my computer. I tested other key combinations, and they did not work either.
If it matters, the Title Bar buttons still work for functions regardless.
Do you have "Enable Key Combinations" checked off in the functions tab?
Modern Trash
2 discussion posts
I do not. I tried switching it off and on, but that didn't help either.
Could you make sure it's enabled, click the apply button, and then restart Display Fusion and see if that makes a difference?
4 discussion posts
I have the same problem on Windows 10.0.19042 (Build 19042) 64-bit, using DisplayFusion Pro 9.7.1.
I have unchecked & rechecked the option, after which i've restarted DisplayFusion. Not only do the key combinations not work, they actually cause those combinations to be entirely disabled in Windows as long as DisplayFusion is running. They do not have to be added to any triggers, or to be in use in any way, it is enough for them just to be added to the custom functions -list to cause the combinations to get disabled entirely in Windows.
I have custom functions for the following key combinations
* Alt + ENTER
* F11
Both of which behave as described above.
Feb 25, 2021 (modified Feb 25, 2021)
Does the issue persist after rebooting your computer?
We do have a warning if a key combination is set with no modifier, but we will look into revising it to make it more clear.
If you add a modifier key to your existing key combinations, do they work?
4 discussion posts
Hi, that's true, F11 did present the dialog but ALT+ENTER did not.. Perhaps the latter needs to be considered to be reserved as well (making a window fullscreen, e.g. Windows Terminal)..
But, if i add additional modifier, they do not cause the interference.
I guess the only problem here is the one with ALT+ENTER, not giving the warning. I can't say if that is a "Windows default" but it did cause problems with existing hotkeys (Windows Terminal, in my case..).