13 discussion posts
IS there a limit on the number of pictures that DF will cycle through per folder on my computer. I remember seeing something regarding this with flikr and was wondering if that was the case here. Thanks, Matt
Nope! The Flickr and Vladstudio API's are limited by them, but there's no limit on local images.
13 discussion posts
Thanks Keith. I only brought it up because i have around 3,000 pictures that cycle and I've noticed that i see a few of them often enough to remember seeing them. I know that the random is actually psuedo-random but if they were all in one folder would that cause this? Such that dividing them among multiple folders could potentionally solve this?
Ah yes, splitting them into multiple folders won't make a difference unfortunately. We are however going to be working on improving the randomization in a future release as it's a common request.