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17 discussion posts
I'm really missing displayfusion on my Macbook Air. Dear God, please make a Mac OS X version. Any plans?

Nov 6, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We don't have any plans at the moment, but if we were to make a Mac version, which features would you be looking for?
Nov 10, 2015  • #2
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Michel Phillips
1 discussion post
I heartily second the request for a Mac version of DisplayFusion. I have three 28" monitors and often need to have 12–15 windows open at once. On my old Win7 setup, I could instantly pull up the window I wanted with just one click on its DisplayFusion taskbar icon. Now I need to use a Mac for work, and to find the window I need, I have to (a) find an open window in the same application as the window I'm looking for, (b) make that window active, (c) click-scan-click again in that application's drop-down menu on the Menu Bar. It's a constant drag on my mental processing.
Dec 5, 2015 (modified Dec 5, 2015)  • #3
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Glenn Smith
1 discussion post
I too love your program and hope that you guys will do a version for Mac. I would not mind at all to buy a separate license for our Macs
Dec 11, 2015  • #4
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Michael Cirone
1 discussion post
I third the request for a Mac version of display fusion. It would be great to have.

It would be nice to have the whole suite of wallpaper features. Also, one specific feature I'd like for my mac setup are the abilities to move individual windows to a monitor or all windows to a monitor using hotkeys. I play musical chairs with my monitors between my Mac and PC, so I come across instances where I have one monitor per computer and there are windows hiding in the unused monitor on the Mac or PC.
Jan 5, 2016  • #5
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Tạ Quốc Việt
2 discussion posts
In Mac, there is an alternative software named SizeUp, which is not as good as DisplayFusion but not bad.
Jan 6, 2016  • #6
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1 discussion post
I made an account just to say this: I would LOVE a version for Mac. :) Though some features would be redundant as Mac OS X has similar customization features already, the function to quick switch windows between monitors would be fantastic to have. If you included the ability to change individual brightness of multiple monitors , that would seal the deal. To really top it all off, dynamic docks for each monitor (eg. two monitors side by side, two different variations of a dock on the bottom of each screen or the furthest edges left and right).

I will keep my fingers crossed, your Windows version rules and makes my work experience much more enjoyable. I can only hope to see the same type of quality program over on my Mac! Thanks! :D
Apr 3, 2016  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the kind words, and the suggestions! We still don't have any plans for a Mac version at the moment, but who knows what the future will hold :)
Apr 4, 2016  • #8
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1 discussion post
If anyone's running a petition to get Displayfusion for Mac add me. It's a whole new market for DF waiting to be filled.
Jun 18, 2016  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Added your vote, thanks!
Jun 21, 2016  • #10
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Roy Lewis
1 discussion post
I too would like to add my vote, most emphatically!

We need a version for the Mac, please!
Sep 9, 2016  • #11
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Brad Palmer
1 discussion post
I second the motion. A Mac version would be awesome!
Apr 4, 2017  • #12
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62 discussion posts
Hi Keith.

I'll weigh in on this topic too and declare my support for a Mac OS X version of DisplayFusion. I currently use DisplayFusion on my Windows 10 laptop, and my Windows 7 desktop at work. However, after my frustration and disappointment with Microsoft tech support 2 years ago (they "broke" my laptop Windows 10 installation), I went out and bought a MacBook Pro (I've used Macs before many years ago).

You asked about features for the Mac version. That's a great question, and maybe a challenge not only for you, but also for us users. Here are a few things:

  • Display different wallpaper on each monitor - same/similar to existing wallpaper dialog in DisplayFusion
  • Titlebar buttons for controlling position and size of windows and dialogs (Mac OS X, like Windows 10, seems to decide where it wants to put windows and dialog boxes)
  • Extend the dock to other monitors?
  • Triggers

In going through this exercise, I realized that any version of DisplayFusion on a Mac would likely end up either (A) having significantly fewer features compared to the Windows version, or (B) having a completely different set of features that are specific just to the Mac, with only a few features borrowed from the Windows version (i.e., desktop wallpaper).

Hope this helps.

Apr 12, 2017 (modified Jun 8, 2017)  • #13
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks Rupertsland!
Apr 19, 2017  • #14
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2 discussion posts
Would also really, really like an OSX version. I constantly bounce between windows and osx and really miss having Display Fusion to organize / save window positions / etc

If it's possible to maintain the "stay on top" feature on osx, that would be awesome.
May 25, 2017  • #15
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62 discussion posts
Ok, here is an expanded list of features for the Mac OS X version. Anyone else have ideas? Let's list them.

Proposed features list

  • Display different wallpaper on each monitor - same/similar to existing wallpaper dialog in DisplayFusion
  • Titlebar buttons for controlling position and size of windows and dialogs (Mac OS X, like Windows 10, seems to decide where it wants to put windows and dialog boxes)
  • Triggers
  • Functions
  • Extend the dock to other monitors
  • Dock enhancements - a Jump list to docs, similar to Windows
  • Window edge snapping
  • Windows stay on top
  • Mouse management options like in Windows version
  • Rollup window
  • Reposition and resize windows (i.e., center, resize to specified size)
  • Assign different colour to custom titlebar buttons (i.e., blue, etc.) to differentiate from normal traffic light buttons in top left of titlebar.
  • Screensaver management
  • Widen all column widths to fit content in list view in folder window - just like the secret key combo in Windows (Ctrl+Shift+Numeric Keypad '+')
Jun 8, 2017 (modified Apr 22, 2018)  • #16
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Spencer Pope
1 discussion post
Two thumbs up for the MacOS version. I really miss the dock on each display working on my mac. I really need the ability to have the open programs on my displays show on those docks.
Jun 28, 2017 (modified Jun 28, 2017)  • #17
DonChino's profile on
I guess DisplayFusion for the MAC did not happen yet? :'(

New job. DisplayFusion lifer. New company uses Mac, so would love to bring over this utility and convert others.
Jul 24, 2017  • #18
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@DonChino: Not yet, sorry :(
Jul 24, 2017  • #19
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Phil Carson42344
1 discussion post
Been using DF on my windows machine(s) for a while now. Just got a Mac and am planning on adding 2 additional monitors to it. I would LOVE to be able to use DF on my new Mac!
Apr 22, 2018  • #20
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62 discussion posts
It's been about a year since my last post.

Does anyone else have a list of features to include in a DF for Mac version?
Apr 22, 2018 (modified Apr 22, 2018)  • #21
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Bryn McCausey
1 discussion post
OMG yes please make a mac version. Just had to switch for work and I sorely miss the capabilities.
Aug 8, 2018  • #22
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Sharon Shabtai
1 discussion post
I vote YES on that one 8)
Nov 12, 2018  • #23
Clint Eschberger's profile on
Oh, yes this would be excellent. I use both Windows and Mac as we are moving to Mac at work. I sorely miss the best Mutli-Monitor manager on Mac.
Nov 15, 2018  • #24
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1 discussion post
VERY OLD THREAD but I got something to say too!
I don't care about multi monitor crap, but I would LOVE and PAY MONEY to have a WALLPAPERfusion version for MAC OS so that I can display AMAZING ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY images in HIGH DEFINITION on my 65" Sony Bravia 4k HDR tv.
I currently own DisplayFusion and I got to tell you; the stars and galaxies and wonderous, awe inspiring imagery that gets displayed on my 27" QNIX QX2710 LED monitor is worth every DAMN PENNY the software costs and then some!
My settings: NASA Astonomy Picture of the Day on a 15 minute random rotation setting.
Feb 7, 2019  • #25
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62 discussion posts
Expanded 2019 list of features for a Mac OS X version.

Anyone else have ideas to include?

Proposed features list

  • Extend the dock to other monitors.
  • Dock enhancements - a Jump list to docs, similar to Windows.
  • Display different wallpaper on each monitor - same/similar to existing wallpaper dialog in DisplayFusion.
  • Titlebar buttons for controlling position and size of windows and dialogs (Mac OS X, like Windows 10, seems to decide where it wants to put windows and dialog boxes).
  • Triggers.
  • Functions.
  • Window edge snapping.
  • Windows stay on top.
  • Mouse management options like in Windows version.
  • Rollup window.
  • Reposition and resize windows (i.e., center, resize to specified size).
  • "Move individual windows to a monitor or all windows to a monitor using hotkeys".
  • Assign different colour to custom titlebar buttons (i.e., blue, etc.) to differentiate from normal traffic light buttons in top left of titlebar.
  • Screensaver management.
  • Widen all column widths to fit content in list view in folder window - just like the secret key combo in Windows (Ctrl+Shift+Numeric Keypad '+').
  • Incorporate WALLPAPERfusion.
  • Access to macOS task manager.
  • Access to monitor configuration.
  • Folders: any way to include icon to display/hide preview pane? It's a 'pain' to have to go through the menu system to turn this on/off.
Mar 8, 2019 (modified Mar 8, 2019)  • #26
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Alberto de_la_Torre
1 discussion post
Just got a macbook pro at work. I'll pay double the windows price to get a mac version. I'm dying here. I need DisplayFusion on mac!
May 10, 2019  • #27
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1 discussion post
Hi all.

I have been working for four companies over the past few years in cyber security. Our industry is plaged by rotten apples. By that I mean that everyone loves Apple Security and has ditched Microsoft platforms pretty much across the board. This includes Symantec, a company with over 18,000 employees, my company today, which has over 400 employees, Centrify, a company with around 500 employees, and a ton of others.

We are ALL security and IT professionals stuck on a Mac. We have all experimented with multiple monitors all the time. (Show me a sales rep with a mac who hasn't dreampt of a product that would help out when doing a presentation on a projector where they needed to "extend" instead of "mirror".)

The issue here is simple, Mac Multi-Monitor SUCKS. Every available tool bar out there to help with this issue SUCKS too.

We the world, and by this I mean a very large portion of the companies that have security concious people are BEGGING for something to help them get back to being more productive on a Mac. It is terrible to discover that all you can hope for is to have one monitor, and to have the existing doc randomly appear all over the place and never actually being there when you expect it. (Damned thing pops up where ever the heck it likes, and this is really tough when giving a technical demo, or running a webinar.)

So I am going to repost the feature list posted by others here, but I plan to show a very limited list because my request is modest. Just get me in the door with SOMETHING. And here is what I agree to pay:

1. $50 or so for the primary license.
2. $10 per year of maintenance.
3. $20 dollars on years you provide a significant uplift to the feature set.
4. With the above in mind, I would pay $100 out of the box for a 3 year license to get started, similar to a kick starter, and that with this, the hope is to get unlimited upgrades until the initial license expires, then hit the 10/20 maintenance plans once past the intial 3 years.

I look at this as a kickstarter to get you guys into helping us Apple Pies that are missing all the good stuff.


Proposed features list

Remove existing Mac Doc and replace with yours, or skin theirs to look like yours.
Don't care about wallpapers at this point.
A "Display Fusion Button" with the option to have it on the left, right, top or bottom of however people decide to display their tool bars.
Tool Bar Positions of bottom, left, or right. Can't really do top, that has to be the Mac thingy.
Toolbar stays on top and forces windows to not fall behind, but snap the appropriate side of the app to the tool bar, whereever it is situated. (Bottom, right/left)
Button to send a window/app to the next screen.
A Shortcut to the MacOS task manager
A button that links directly to the Display Properties
A button that links directly to System Settings
The option to pin apps to the task bar.
The option to pin folders to the task bar.
The option to auto hide the task bar.
Access or a shortcut to the MacOS Command Line or Console.
If possible, a menu similar to the "Start Menu" in windows with a button positioned on the left, top, or bottom of any given task bar.
A clock in the bottom right with DATE options.

That is about it, but let me just point out, if you built this, I would buy it, and if I buy it, it will be shown to THOUSANDS of people a year as I do demos, webinars, and workshops for my own customers. That will be multiplied by at least 100 people I know who would buy it in my company alone, regardless of if our company paid for it.

I will also commit to actively advocating for this product, writing articles, publishing blogs, and promoting it with videos on YouTube or anywhere else that is desired. I will also provide a customer testimonial to the product.

So come on, give it a whack! Hell, I will even buy you a Mac to work on to make this happen, as long as you agree to pay me back later after you blow out your year in green field new seats and revenues on this one...

And one more thing, if you were to do this, port your File Seeker program too, trying to find anything on a mac is HOPELESSLY frustrating! They have no contextual search, so if you want to find a file in a given folder, the minute you begin searching, you end up searching the entire hard drive EVERY TIME. So stupid.
Jun 5, 2019 (modified Jun 5, 2019)  • #28
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1 discussion post
please create a mac version!
Jul 4, 2019  • #29
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Carlos Trujillo72058
1 discussion post
I think a Mac version will be a huge success, specially in the software development and sysadmin community ;)
Oct 25, 2019  • #30
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5 discussion posts
I'd buy it. I got shamed into getting a macbook at work. Jury's out, but I want displayfusion.
Mar 27, 2020  • #31
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Leonardo Pastorino54633
1 discussion post
Please, don't forget the MacOS users. I'm looking for monitor splitting.
Sep 16, 2021  • #32
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62 discussion posts
Expanded 2022 list of features for a macOS version.

It's great to see other uses voting for a macOS version of DisplayFusion. This current post expands my previous 2019 list and incorporates features requested by myself, WCMedows, and others.

I am still a regular Windows 10 Pro user, but also use a MacBook Pro with macOS 11 Big Sur. Having used a mac for 7 years now, an app like DisplayFusion would be really useful on the mac platform. Extending the Dock to other monitors, the ability to customize each Dock independently and to display the active apps in the Dock in each display would be a huge improvement.


For those voting for a macOS version (thank you), please include if possible a list of features you need. Review the proposed features below first to avoid duplication. In your post, we suggest you provide a heading “Features I need:” and then list the features below the heading. We can then more easily consolidate those features into an expanded list.

Proposed features list:

  • A "Display Fusion Button" with the option to have it on the left, right, top or bottom of however people decide to display their tool bars.
  • A button that links directly to System Settings.
  • A button that links directly to the Display Properties.
  • A clock in the bottom right with DATE options.
  • A Shortcut to the MacOS task manager.
  • Access or a shortcut to the MacOS Command Line or Console.
  • Access to macOS task manager.
  • Access to monitor configuration.
  • Assign different colour to custom titlebar buttons (i.e., blue, etc.) to differentiate from normal traffic light buttons in top left of titlebar.
  • Button to send a window/app to the next screen.
  • Display different wallpaper on each monitor - same/similar to existing wallpaper dialog in DisplayFusion.
  • Dock enhancements – a Jump list to docs, similar to Windows.
  • Extend the Dock to other monitors, with the ability to have the open programs on each display appear on those Docks.
  • Folders: any way to include icon to display/hide preview pane? It's a 'pain' to have to go through the menu system to turn this on/off.
  • Functions.
  • If possible, a menu similar to the "Start Menu" in Windows with a button positioned on the left, top, or bottom of any given task bar.
  • Incorporate WALLPAPERfusion.
  • Mouse management options like in Windows version.
  • Move individual windows to a monitor or all windows to a monitor using hotkeys.
  • Remove existing Dock and replace with yours, or skin the MacOS Dock to look like yours.
  • Reposition and resize windows (i.e., center, resize to specified size).
  • Rollup window.
  • Screensaver management.
  • Option to auto hide the task bar.
  • Option to pin apps to the task bar.
  • Option to pin folders to the task bar.
  • Titlebar buttons for controlling position and size of windows and dialogs (Mac OS X, like Windows 10, seems to decide where it wants to put windows and dialog boxes).
  • Toolbar positions of bottom, left, or right. Would be great if it’s possible to also put at top.
  • Toolbar stays on top and forces windows to not fall behind but snap the appropriate side of the app to the tool bar, wherever it is situated (bottom, right/left).
  • Triggers.
  • Widen all column widths to fit content in list view in folder window - just like the secret key combo in Windows (Ctrl+Shift+Numeric Keypad '+').
  • Window edge snapping.
  • Windows stay on top.
May 2, 2022 (modified May 2, 2022)  • #33
Brynwall's profile on
Where can we vote for this? I use both PC and Mac and WISH I had it for my Macbook.
Jul 6, 2022  • #34
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5 discussion posts
Window positioning (I like to tie it to a keyboard shortcut), screen saver management, background are the main things I use most on Windows.. so would love them on macos.
Jul 7, 2022  • #35
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We keep our feature request list for internal use only, so I've added your votes.

Jul 7, 2022  • #36
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1 discussion post
I recently moved to a Mac for work and I NEED Displayfusion, I have it on all my machines and I miss it at work.

Will this ever be a thing? ???
Jul 14, 2022  • #37
Seejake's profile on
I would also like to throw my vote in for a mac version. this is an awesome company i like everything about displayfusion and really like how they treat their customers. I would love to be one of those customers sometime soon.
Aug 19, 2022  • #38
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Votes added!
Aug 19, 2022  • #39
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5 discussion posts
I'd like to chime in here. I would love DisplayFusion on MacOS. I only care for the following features (on either OS) - keyboard shortcuts to manipulate window positions. I currently have the following window management actions mapped to keyboard shortcuts:
    * Move to left half of screen
    * Move to right half of screen
    * Move to SW,NW,NE or SE quartile of the screen
    * Maximize window
    * Minimize Window
    * Move Window to Center of Monitor and set width and height to 75%
    * Move Window to Center of Monitor and set width and height to 50%
    * Move Window to Center of Monitor and set width to 66% and height to 100%
I'm actually able to do almost all these using the "Magnet" app on MacOS (on Apple Silicon hardware), except those last 3. Those might seem a bit peculiar, but hey, DisplayFusion is a hiiiighly customizable piece of software and it enables us to set things up exactly as we like. I paid $8 for Magnet on MacOS and I would happily pay a similar amount for DisplayFusion on MacOS, if it had the functionality I was interested in.
But I really have no idea what the economics of this is. I'm guessing that providing even a large portion of the fuctionality of the Windows version would be a massive effort (because the APIs are entirely different), but maybe a smaller subset of features would be a lot more feasible. That, and also, the fact that the Mac userbase is a lot smaller. That said, the M1/M2 MacBooks are selling like hotcakes!
As a final note, maybe looking at the "Greenshot" screenshotting app is a worthwhile case. This is what happened for me with the "Greenshot" app. I used that app for free on Windows for years, until I moved onto ShareX, which has quite a bit more functionality. Specifically, ShareX has OCR support BUILT IN! Whereas with Greenshot, you can only get it working if you have some MS Office-related component.
Somewhat unsurprisingly, ShareX was not available for MacOS, but Greenshot was. So I paid the $2 that it cost - but I'm not entirely sure if it was worthwhile, even for $2, because the functionality feels so incredibly lacking compared to what I remember Greenshot offering on Windows. Specifically, the screenshot editor is quite unpolished.
All that said, buying Greenshot for $2 enabled me to bypass even more of the MacOS ecosystem's native offerings. So I went for it out of habit. And I think I would easily have done the same with DisplayFusion, if it was available for MacOS. I don't know if this rant about screenshot apps was helpful, but maybe it can give some insights on how Windows users go about looking for productivity apps/utilities on MacOS.
Aug 28, 2022 (modified Aug 28, 2022)  • #40
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1 discussion post
I really can't believe there is nog MacOS version for this. :x
I switch from a windows laptop to a MacBook and now I have to look for something else to use with my 49" screen. I really loved DisplayFusion, so I hope you will come with an MacOS version soon
Aug 30, 2022  • #41
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1 discussion post
After 7-8 years it's clearly not going to happen... Shame, very useful on my wintel box but I've just moved to macOS and would have bought a mac version. I can make do with Lasso.
Feb 24, 2023  • #42
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62 discussion posts
Updated list of features for a macOS version.

Fellow Mac users...

Please keep voting and post your needed features! Keep the discussion going. It's great to see other uses voting for a macOS version of DisplayFusion. This post expands my previous 2022 list and incorporates features requested by others on this discussion post.

Add your features to this list

For those voting for a macOS version (thank you), please include a list of features you need, if possible. Review the proposed features below first to avoid duplication.

Proposed list of features:

  • A "Display Fusion Button" with the option to have it on the left, right, top or bottom of however people decide to display their tool bars.
  • A button that links directly to System Settings.
  • A button that links directly to the Display Properties.
  • A clock in the bottom right with DATE options.
  • A Shortcut to the MacOS task manager.
  • Access or a shortcut to the MacOS Command Line or Console.
  • Access to macOS task manager.
  • Access to monitor configuration.
  • Assign different colour to custom titlebar buttons (i.e., blue, etc.) to differentiate from normal traffic light buttons in top left of titlebar.
  • Button to send a window/app to the next screen.
  • Display different wallpaper background on each monitor - same/similar to existing wallpaper dialog in DisplayFusion.
  • Dock enhancements – a Jump list to docs, similar to Windows.
  • Extend the Dock to other monitors, with the ability to have the open programs on each display appear on those Docks.
  • Folders: any way to include icon to display/hide preview pane? It's a 'pain' to have to go through the menu system to turn this on/off.
  • Functions.
  • If possible, a menu similar to the "Start Menu" in Windows with a button positioned on the left, top, or bottom of any given task bar.
  • Incorporate WALLPAPERfusion.
  • Mouse management options like in Windows version.
  • Move individual windows to a monitor or all windows to a monitor using hotkeys.
  • Remove existing Dock and replace with yours, or skin the MacOS Dock to look like yours.
  • Screensaver management.
  • Option to auto hide the task bar.
  • Option to pin apps to the task bar.
  • Option to pin folders to the task bar.
  • Titlebar buttons for controlling position and size of windows and dialogs (Mac OS X, like Windows 10, seems to decide where it wants to put windows and dialog boxes).
  • Toolbar positions of bottom, left, or right. Would be great if it’s possible to also put at top.
  • Toolbar stays on top and forces windows to not fall behind but snap the appropriate side of the app to the tool bar, wherever it is situated (bottom, right/left).
  • Triggers.
  • Widen all column widths to fit content in list view in folder window - just like the secret key combo in Windows (Ctrl+Shift+Numeric Keypad '+').
  • Window positioning with keyboard shortcuts.
  • Reposition and resize windows (i.e., center, resize to specified size).
  • Window edge snapping.
  • Windows stay on top.
  • Maximize window.
  • Minimize Window.
  • Move to left half of screen.
  • Move to right half of screen.
  • Move to SW,NW,NE or SE quartile of the screen.
  • Move Window to Center of Monitor and set width and height to 75%.
  • Move Window to Center of Monitor and set width and height to 50%.
  • Move Window to Center of Monitor and set width to 66% and height to 100%.
  • Rollup window.
Mar 6, 2023 (modified Mar 6, 2023)  • #43
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Anthony Poschen36804
1 discussion post
im on macos and looking for something i can use on my gaming PC and work / personal macbook for screen splitting.

Planning to go to a 42+ inch ultra wide and cut down on my monitor count and looking at various things like PBP etc, DisplayFusion if it was multi platform would be a game changer for me to have everything work, i only need screen splitting.

Currently ill need to focus on getting a monitor with support for 3 physical connections for screen splitting, then use KVM(s) to flip between inputs between devices and then have the macbook use a displaylink so its a single cable for 3 monitors. All in all its a lot of cables and a lot of headche when a single software solution would be preferable.
Dec 31, 2024  • #44
Seejake's profile on
you guys are great I too would like a mac version please!! I love this site i have to say probably the best thing about this is your customer support other companies say they listen to thier customers but you guys 8)really do. i only had 1 issue along time ago but your suppory team was all over it and they were super nice as well can't say enough good thing's about you guys. Just please consider a mac version have a great 2025
Jan 2, 2025  • #45
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62 discussion posts
It's been a long 10 years since the first post asking for a macOS version. PC users are migrating to the Windows 11 platform. The macOS has gone beyond X. I hope a macOS version of DisplayFusion will be developed.

Some thoughts:

To get a macOS version involves a number of things, and it may not be so simple. The most important is to hire one or more programmers. The other important factor is the user base. Are there enough macOS users to justify a demand for a mac version? I would argue that if you "build it, they will come". I believe a mac version represents an opportunity. There are major differences between the macOS and Windows platforms. The majority of features and also the needs for the macOS platform will be different from the Windows platform, so any DisplayFusion version for the macOS platform is going to be very different from the Windows platform. This has to be carefully considered and developed.
Jan 2, 2025 (modified Jan 2, 2025)  • #46
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the kind words!
Jan 2, 2025  • #47
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