9 discussion posts
Hi, I have my 34" 1440p Ultrawide monitor hooked up to my 14" 1080p laptop and as it stands, the Maximize Window hotkey under Window Management will not respect the three split monitor.
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Does a normal maximize (clicking the maximize button on the caption bar) properly maximize the window to the split?
Ok, so it's the "Maximize Window" function on the Settings > Functions tab that's not respecting the splits?
9 discussion posts
Yes that is correct. As you can see in my configuration. I have that function set to Shift Alt `
Ah! It might be because Shift is used to override the splits. If you change the key combination to something that doesn't use the Shift key, does it work?
9 discussion posts
Is there a way to disable the shift override?
9 discussion posts
Hi Keith,
This works perfectly. Thank you for your hard work!
Excellent, glad to hear it!