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3 discussion posts
[Running DisplayFusion Pro 11.0 (Beta 5) on Windows 11 (23H2) 22631.3880]

Any monitor with monitor fading turned on flashes to a darker monitor fading level when the cursor moves between windows-snapped edges. This occurs on any of my monitors with monitor fading enabled and two windows are snapped to the edges (either horizontally or vertically snapped) and the cursor moves between the windows. When the cursor goes between one window to the other, any monitor with monitor fading enabled flashes.

This doesn't occur with monitor fading turned off.
This also doesn't occur when there is a gap between the two windows on any of the monitors, or if the windows are not snapped to edges of the screen.
The type of window doesn't make a difference either, I've tested it with firefox, chrome, mpc-hc, and spotify.
It also doesn't occur if the two windows are snapped, but a third window is between the two windows that are snapped.
The monitor fading flashing occurs on the any monitor with monitor fading on, regardless of any windows being opened on the other screens.
I've tested this with monitor fading set to a specific monitor or all monitors, the flashing occurs simultaneously across all monitors when the cursor moves between windows that have been snapped to the edges.
It does not occur when moving cursor between monitors that have windows snapped to the edges, only across the border between snapped windows on the same monitor, but the flashing effects all monitors.
I've tried screen recording, but the flashing doesn't show up on video recorded by Snipping Tool.

I've attached a video showing the flashing occurring with two windows snapped and the cursor moving between them. I then show when a gap is made/a window is no longer edge-snapped, the flashing stops.

I'll attach a log file in my next post
• Attachment [protected]: IMG_0126.MP4 [3,744,628 bytes]
Jul 12, 2024 (modified Jul 12, 2024)  • #1
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3 discussion posts
Here's the log file (Log Minimal).

What I did was opened DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab
Changed L0 to L1 (Log Minimal)
Minimized the settings window
Moved my cursor between two snapped windows on my primary display and observed the monitor fading flashing on my secondary monitor
Opened up the settings window and clicked Export Info to File
Saved the file and turned L1 back to L0
• Attachment [protected]: [78,375 bytes]
Jul 12, 2024 (modified Jul 12, 2024)  • #2
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Bumping this thread
Jul 17, 2024  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Strange, we can't seem to reproduce that here. Do you have an app running that gives focus to whatever window is under your mouse?

Also it looks like you're running this dimmer app as well, can you try closing that out and see if there's any change?
Jul 18, 2024  • #4
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