I was hoping this change in 3.0.4 was finally a fix to a longstanding issue but it wasn't
Fixed monitor order was sometimes different than Windows and affected window movement hotkeys[/color]
I have four monitors on two video cards. Each video card has a DVI and a VGA port -- which works perfectly for me, because two of the monitors I use are VGA only, and the two others have DVI.
Windows has the monitors ordered as such from left to right:
As such, if I put a window on the leftmost monitor (#3), and hit the Next Monitor hotkey, it moves to the second from the left. (#4). If I hit it again, though, it moves to the rightmost monitor (#1) whereas I'd rather have it move to the next nearest monitor to the right (#2). Then, of course, from #1, it bounces left to #2 before going back to the leftmost monitor again (#3). I hope that makes sense...
What I was hoping you'd add would be a way to reorder the monitors regardless of how Windows numbers them, so I can have the "next monitor" hotkey move from left to right and "previous monitor" hotkey from right to left.
Due to the connectivity issues (DVI & VGA compatibilities), I have limited options on which ports to connect what to, and due to physical space, monitor size/orientation, and aestetic issues, I can't physically rearrange the monitors. So far I haven't been able to come up with a way to get Windows to recognize the displays in the correct order either.
Is this something you could look into?