2 discussion posts
Hey hey!
So, I recently bought DisplayFusion Pro and set up different monitor profiles. I have an Nvidia GPU with three monitors connected (monitor 1 = main display, monitor 2 = second display, monitor 3 = tv). I set up a few different monitor profiles for different uses. Now, lately when I've been using my regular profiles, only having monitor 1 and 2 active, I am running into a problem. When I play a game in fullscreen and tab out of the game, it always changes my monitor profile to include monitor 3. This is slowly driving me crazy because I don't know how to fix it. I am not too well versed with tech and windows related processes so I would greatly appreciate any help.
I've replicated the problem twice at 10:32 pm in the log that I uploaded here.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionDebugInfo.zip [302,510 bytes]
Strange, the log says it's being activated via the tray context menu. If you disable DisplayFusion taskbars, does the issue persist?
2 discussion posts
It still happens when I change the monitor profile, close display fusion and then enter and tab out of a fullscreen game like cs2.
Somehow, it only really happens with my tv. When I have my monitor 1+2 profile enabled, it always switches back to the last mode that included the tv. May that be all three monitors or only monitor 1 + tv..
Also what I've noticed, if I switch the modes via the "disconnect this display" option in windows' display settings, it doesn't happen.
Lieven De Langhe59693
3 discussion posts
I have exactly the same problem. Started happening after doing the most recent displayfusion update. I press the widows key or alt tab and my secondary monitor opens.
Lieven De Langhe59693
3 discussion posts
When in game (fortnite is my example in fullscreen mode) when not in game alt tabbing and pressing windows key dont open the second screen.
To Sche74281
1 discussion post
Happens for me too since the last Display-Fusion OR Windows Update.
In addition, when the computer is woken up from hibernate, the monitor profile with which hibernate was started is not loaded, but a different one.
11 days ago (modified 11 days ago)
19 discussion posts
I also have the problem that the monitor profiles switch by itself when exiting a fullscreen game.
New version, new bug?
5 discussion posts
I'm running into something just like this, that I didn't see before (pre Win1124H2, pre DF 11 beta). It's like Windows is eager to return to the display settings that were last set outside of a DF profile, or were active at boot.
Starting State: 3 monitor profile (monitors 1, 2, and 3. 4 is disabled.)
Using Monitor Profiles:
Switch to monitor profile that disables 1, 2, 3, and enables 4.
Profile successfully applied.
After a few minutes, monitor 1 goes from power saving to off, or a video game sets a fullscreen mode. Basically any sort of change to the display configuration.
Windows detects this as a hardware change even though the monitor is disabled and goes back to the starting state. Monitor 4 is disabled, and monitors 1-3 are enabled, even though monitor 1 is now fully powered off.
Disable monitors 1 and 2. Enable monitor 4. Disable monitor 3.
After a few minutes, monitor 1 goes from power saving to off.
Windows detects this as a hardware change even though the monitor is disabled and though there is some flickering on all monitors for a couple seconds, the state remains. Monitor 4 is enabled, and monitors 1-3 are still disabled.
It's not DF that's responsible for changing the profile again, because I tested closing down DF after applying the single monitor profile and it still happened. It's as if some part of Windows stored the last time a change was made to the monitors using one of its own methods, and is switching back to that.
Downgrading won't work for me, since Monitor Profiles don't work at all with DF v10 on Win 11 24H2.
10 days ago (modified 10 days ago)
5 discussion posts
@owen Attached is a debug log. Here are the steps I took while debug was active at L1:
1. Switched from the 3 monitor profile to the 1 monitor profile.
2. Waited a short time and then powered down one of my monitors. This happens automatically, but I didn't want to wait the full ~5 minutes for the auto power down.
3. Waited while the monitor profile reverted back to the 3 monitor one.
4. Powered the monitor back on, opened DF, and exported the log.
RE: your question about videos at full screen, the answer is "mostly no." Sending a browser video full screen, like YouTube, does not trigger anything. However, if I use a dedicated media program such as MPC-BE that's configured to use "exclusive fullscreen" then yes, that does trigger it. It's "exclusive fullscreen" operations where the program running (game or otherwise) changes a monitor's settings (resolution, refresh rate) that also cause Windows to revert back to an earlier monitor profile.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionDebugInfo.zip [228,232 bytes]
We were able to reproduce something similar here, we have some ideas to fix it up so we'll let you know if we have any news going forward.
We've released a new version that might fix this up, please let me know if you run into any issues after updating.
5 discussion posts
Hi, I think you fixed it!
With version 11.0.2 still installed, I repeated my testing and saw that the issue was still present. I updated to 11.0.3 and performed the same test and there was no more reverting to the previous profile. The profile I set remained in place!
Thank you so much!
Glad to hear, thanks for the follow up!
19 discussion posts
Using the latest .4 release, everthing seems to work as expected.