5 discussion posts
I've been using Display Fusion for years, it's a really great product!
I recently upgraded my PC and now the auto switching of monitors profiles doesn't appear to work on my new PC.My setup is as follows: I have a main monitor attached to my PC via KVM switch (HDMI). I also have Display port to HDMI adapter that's connected to my TV and third monitor attached via Display Port. On my old system if I switch over on the KVM it would automaticly select my TV profile, this no longer seems to work on my new system and I need to manually select the correct profile which is a tad bit annoying. It's been a while since I set up everything is there a setting or something I need to enable to have it automaticcly select the correct profile based on the currently detected monitors?
It sounds like DisplayFusion isn't able to detect the profile when it's switched, as this should be happening automatically. Did you copy over your profiles from your old computer, or did you recreate them?
5 discussion posts
Thanks for the response. It's a fresh install with new profiles. One thing I've noticed is that if click Display Settings in windows it appear to show the non-connected monitors, I'm guessing this is why Display Fusion is having issues. I've tired googling a bunch but haven't much around Monitors that are detected when they are not plugged in.
Could you send me over a screenshot of the DisplayFusion Monitor Configuration window?
5 discussion posts
I've attached a screen shot. Let me know if there is any other information you need
• Attachment [protected]: Screenshot 2023-03-01 151353.png [91,988 bytes]
Thanks for sending that over, it looks like DisplayFusion is detetcting a profile automatically in the top left of that window. Is that "Desk" profile the correct one that should be loaded for that setup?
5 discussion posts
I've upgraded to the lastest Beta and deleted/recreated my profiles but still no luck. I've exported the logs you asked, before I exported I took the following steps
1) Rebooted the PC
2) Used the KVM to switch the main montior off
3) Manually unpluged the main monitor HDMI cable
• Attachment [protected]: [44,221 bytes]
Thanks for sending that over, was it monitor #3 on your system that you unplugged? If so, you're defintely right, it's still showing as connected.
When you have the monitor unplugged, does it still show as connected through the Windows Display Settings as well? Scratch that, you mentioned they do show up in an earlier post. That's really strange, if you bypass the kvm and plug them directly into your computer, do they still appear on the system in you unplug them?
Mar 3, 2023 (modified Mar 3, 2023)