Henry Yei
15 discussion posts
When I have "Show monitor selector while dragging"
Sometimes when I drag a windows from one monitor to another with splits enabled, the monitor selector gets stuck and doesn't disappear. In fact it follows my mouse and shows the monitor selector of whatever virtual monitor my mouse is located it. Sometimes after a lot of mouse movement and keyboard presses, I am able to get this "unstuck", but not always.
I've seen this behavior for a last couple of months at least. It does not happen when I don't have any monitor with virtual splits, but the monitor selector never shows anyway in this type of configuration.
Latest Display Fusion stable on Steam
How often does this happen? I can't seem to get this to occur here. Also, are you just quickly dragging and dropping the window, or are you dragging and holding it there for a few seconds before it gets stuck?
Henry Yei
15 discussion posts
I turned off splits awhile ago, and it happens but more rarely without splits on my three monitor setup under Windows 8.1. I recently upgraded, and it just happened to me again with Display Fusion 8 under WIndows 10 1607 Anniversary Update. I was able to get rid of the monitor selection #/faded rectangle by clicking a bunch of times and and dragging other windows around my system after awhile.
I have show monitor selector while dragging option enabled under enable maximized window dragging between monitors.
Quick question. Is it expected that when I drag a maximized window and settle on the same monitor, it no longer re-maximizes?