I have where my mouse pointer will move to the center of a window when it is opened by default for all windows, but I would like it to not move my cursor if the cursor is already on that window or within its radius.
Do you have this setup using a Window Location rule?
Also, there's a big issue with defaulting all windows to go to your current monitor. Can you add support for fullscreen windowed and fullscreen to not obey this as exclusions?
Oct 1, 2014 (modified Oct 1, 2014)
This should actually be possible with our new scripted functions. We can write that up here. Could you tell me the name of some of the apps/games that you're running full screen borderless so that we can test one out here?
Videogames mostly. I want all my windows to open on my current monitor my cursor is, except for games and such which should always be placed on my primary monitor unless the app itself moves it (basically ignore these windows and let the app manage them).
Okay no worries. I turned it off for now, it doesn't really speed up my workflow that much since of that inconvenience.