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3 discussion posts
Hi there,

1) Does DisplayFusion have a function to slow down the mouse cursor near the edge of a monitor?

I ask this because sometimes I overshoot and my cursor crosses over to the other monitor too easily and I would like to be able to set up a kind of "soft barrier" so that the mouse doesn't cross so easily until it is pushed.

Or maybe a function that slows down the mouse cursor near the edge of a monitor would be good.

2) Is there a function that stops the mouse cursor crossing over to the next monitor unless a key is held down?

Many thanks~
Jun 15, 2015 (modified Jun 15, 2015)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Neither of these are currently available, but they are on our feature request list, so I've added your votes to them. If we're able to implement either of them in a future version, I'll be sure to let you know :)

Jun 15, 2015  • #2
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