9 discussion posts
I would like to be able to move all the windows I have open on a specific monitor down (or up, left, right) so that I can see the desktop icons which are positioned all around the edge of my screens. I tend to have many windows open at any given time and then need to move them all manually to access a shortcut. I do use the "Size and Move to Right Side of Monitor" function, but I have to do that one window at at time, and I really just want to move windows about 20 px in specified direction - maybe resize by 20%. Is this possible? If not, anything that I can set up to "Size and Move Window to Bottom Side of Monitor", but apply to all Windows on a monitor? Thank you!
I've attached a script below that should do this. You can import it via the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions > Scripted Function > Import Scripted Function.You can specify the monitor you want it to fire on, on line 14.
Hope that helps!