1 discussion post
Hi, i'm having trouble moving a window. I have a .bat file that will run a python script in a cmd window. But it seems no matter what I do it wants to open on my main monitor. I tried creating a function annd the coressponding triggers. My keyboard has extra macro keys so i set my G4 key to open the .bat no problem. So i want to continue that to open .bat -----> then move to monitor 2. I understand it could be done if I specify all c:/windows/system32/cmd.exe windows to that monitor but i was kinda hoping to make just this one do it. The window title when running the python script is the cmd.exe address though. So i'm afraid I cant specify using that definition. Thanks for any help!
When the window is open, if you click on it and then press Ctrl + Win + X, does it move to the second monitor? If so, maybe you can have your G4 key run the file, then send the Ctrl + Win + X keystroke?