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95 discussion posts
Re: DF Pro 4.2.0 beta 3
Windows 8 Pro x64
Multi-Monitor Taskbar on secondary monitor in portrait mode, arrayed vertically, set to Auto-Hide, with Tray at bottom

Just testing the new beta and I observe that the DF Taskbar overlays the context menus that are displayed by certain apps in the Tray. Actually, it overlays all the ones I have tested.

For example, the 'Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media' icon in the tray when clicked on Windows 8's Taskbar on the Desktop displays its menu over the Taskbar. Ditto iReboot, Speedfan, and PicPick. Multi-Monitor Taskbar covers them all. Of course, the pointer causes Multi-Monitor Taskbar to hide once moved past its edge and onto the bit of the context menu displaying underneath and beyond the Taskbar.

See attached pic.

Have I missed a setting somewhere that controls DF Taskbar's display in this regard?

Note: If, for example, I am running Word 2013 [Preview] full screen and 'call' the DF Taskbar, it correctly unhides = displays over Word and allows all Taskbar operations to proceed normally.

P.S. I have just installed beta 3 on Windows 7 and find that the Tray apps there correctly display their menus over Multi-Monitor Taskbar. Unless I have missed a switch/settings, this problem appears confined to Windows 8.
• Attachment: DF Taskbar covers Tray Apps Display.png [9,399 bytes]
DF Taskbar covers Tray Apps Display.png
DF Taskbar covers Tray Apps Display.png
Sep 21, 2012 (modified Sep 21, 2012)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Yep, this is actually on our list, but we haven't been able to fix it up yet. I'll be sure to post an update when we get it fixed up!
Sep 21, 2012  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
This should be all fixed up in DisplayFusion 4.3 :)

Nov 8, 2012  • #3
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95 discussion posts
Indeed! Thank you, Keith.
Nov 9, 2012  • #4
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