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Reece Price
9 discussion posts
To get started I have windows 8.1, DisplayFusion Pro and Classic Shell Installed. I have a triple monitor setup. On Monitor 1 everything works as it should, the problem occurs on monitors 2 and 3. The task-bar is created and shows up on each monitor, but the start button does not work at all. Nothing happens when I click it. If i move my mouse to monitor 2/3 and hit the windows key on my keyboard the start menu does show up. Everything else on the task-bar functions as it should. I have rebooted my computer multiple times and the issue is still not resolved. Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Jan 29, 2015 (modified Jan 29, 2015)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Would you be able to send over a debug log? Here are the steps:
  • On the Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal"
  • Restart DisplayFusion
  • Try clicking the Start button on monitor 2 or 3 and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Send us the DisplayFusion.log and DebugInfo.html files (can be found by clicking the Open Log button on the Troubleshooting tab)
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log

Jan 30, 2015  • #2
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Reece Price
9 discussion posts
Sorry, for the delay. I forgot i posted this. I have been really busy. I have attached the two files. the start button was clicked at 3:21 PM
• Attachment [protected]: DebugInfo.html [118,375 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [731,113 bytes]
Feb 12, 2015  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries, thanks for the logs! Quick question, if you hit the Windows key on your primary monitor, does the Classic Shell start menu open on that screen?
Feb 13, 2015  • #4
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Reece Price
9 discussion posts
Yes, everything works as it should on the primary monitor.
Feb 17, 2015  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've tested this out here, but couldn't reproduce the issue, and the log doesn't point to any particular problems. Would you be able to export your DisplayFusion settings (Settings > Options > Export) as well as your Classic Shell settings? I'll import them here and test again, to see if it's maybe related to your settings.

Feb 20, 2015  • #6
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Reece Price
9 discussion posts
I have attached my display fusion settings and Classic Shell settings. I appreciate the help.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion Backup (2015-02-20 @ 13-33,, REECES_TOWER).reg [85,302 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: Menu Settings.xml [139 bytes]
Feb 20, 2015  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks! I've re-tested with your settings and still had no issues :(

I noticed from your Troubleshooting info that ClassicStartMenu.exe is in R:\Programs. Do you have Classic Shell fully installed, or is it just a portable version that you're running?
Feb 23, 2015  • #8
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Reece Price
9 discussion posts
Im running a dual hard drive setup. I have a 250GB SSD and a 1TB HDD. I tried to avoid installing programs on the SDD if possible. Do you think this could be causing the problem?
Feb 24, 2015  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It shouldn't really be an issue, but could you try installing Classic Shell to the default location, just to be sure?
Feb 24, 2015  • #10
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Reece Price
9 discussion posts
I re installed Display Fusion and Classic Shell. Nothing has changed. I might mention i have used Nvadia surround but it is currently disabled. I only use it when gaming. Don't know if that will make a difference. Is there anything else i can try. This issue is kinda frustrating.
Feb 26, 2015  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I'm really stumped on this one. Could you enable L2 logging and send over a new debug log? Just wondering if it might show something extra that will help me track this down.

Feb 27, 2015  • #12
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Reece Price
9 discussion posts
Sorry for the long delay, i kinda gave up on a solution. I recently found something that could help. If i tell classic shell to replace to the replace the start icon everything works. If i turn that setting off and go back to the normal windows icon it only works on the main monitor.
Jun 10, 2015  • #13
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, strange! For me it works with or without replacing the Start button. When Classic Shell is not set to replace the Start button, do you have a custom Start button configured through some other third party app?
Jun 11, 2015  • #14
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Reece Price
9 discussion posts
I just figured it out. I had the taskbar on all windows turn on within display fusion, When i turn that setting on within windows 8.1 I had two taskbars on the 2nd and third monitor. I then turned the setting off in display fusion. Leaving me with one task bar on each monitor. I then went back to classic shell and turn off the replace icon feature. Every things works as it should.
Jun 12, 2015  • #15
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, interesting! So you're all set then?
Jun 12, 2015  • #16
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Reece Price
9 discussion posts
Jun 14, 2015  • #17
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