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3 discussion posts
Hi I was thinking about a feature with my new layout of screen and it appear I'm often losing my mouse in the screen label 4. So I was thinking this software could be the best to be able to do that. If I'm trying to get to the left/right screen (1 or 3) and I get my mouse in screen 4 while going to screen 1 or 3, the mouse would teleport to the (optional: middle of the) edge of 1 or 3 even if I hit the (right/left) edge of screen 4. Would facilitate mouse movement and I think your software already do thing with the mouse movement(more when moving window), but if it listen to mouse movement, it could help the mouse by wrapping around to the closest monitor. I would make that left/right go to the closest monitor in that direction(left in 4 teleport in 1 and right would teleport to 3) and going down/up would put the mouse the opposite side (down in 4 would teleport to upper edge of screen 2 (tbh I'm not sure about the wrap around vertically would be useful, I think it would be more annoying but removing the wall horizontally would be very appreciated))
I hope picture drawing are enough to let you understand what I mean by the teleport/wrap around.
Also wrap vertically I would activate it only if there is at least 1 screen above like 2 and 4 but wouldn't wrap around if I do the same in 1 or 3 because there is no other screen over or under it. Anyway I think I'm asking a somewhat hard feature to implement, but I think it could be interesting to have something like that with multiple monitor setup.

• Attachment: MouseWrapToClosestMonitor.PNG [22,314 bytes]
Mar 5, 2019  • #1
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3 discussion posts
Sorry My bad I just find one of the feature that was already doing the wrap around but not the teleport tweak and I would really like if it was being able to do the 4 to 1 or 3 and wrap around only if 2 monitor are one over the second. Sorry about asking some feature that was already in the software. But puting more option about it would be nice too like wraping around screen 4 horizontally make me lose my mouse more easily but teleporting mouse from screen 4 to screen 1/3 would be nice and wraping around from screen 3 and screen 1 is pretty useful. I just hate when trying to move from one place to an other and mouse get stuck somewhere. Also allowing vertical wrap when 2 screen are side by side only would be nice to me but wraping one screen make me more missing my chrome tab than other things. It could have a stopper that will wrap around only if the mouse make X distance in the direction that want to wrap around? Like the mouse wouldn't wrap around vertically when I try to hit a tab but if I going beyond that point it would teleport the the lower edge.
Mar 5, 2019 (modified Mar 5, 2019)  • #2
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3 discussion posts
Ok I made multiple reply to my own post but I'm testing option that I haven't test before, I would make the same thing as Prevent mouse cursor from snagging on unaligned monitor edges, but even if the are aligned(the exact feature I ask work if I setup my display like the image). The feature work as I want if I force a unaligned setup. Could you make it work without the unaligned part?
Sorry for writing a lot for a feature that almost work by default. But I'm surprise that it was almost already in ! Well good job for that!!! Please give me 1 more option to make it work with aligned display setup. Also the stopper to make it harder to wrap vertically would be nice as I'm always wrapping when trying to switch tab with my mouse. Using the upper screen like button like (Browser Tab/WinMinimize(_)/UnMaximize(□)/Close(X)) is very hard because it's wraping too easily.

Thanks Keith for this great software that I use for years and still surprise me with my new need!
Mar 5, 2019  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear you found a good workaround! I'm not sure if this is something we can add, but if we're able to in a future version, we'll be sure to let you know.

In case it helps, on the Settings > Functions tab there are also functions for moving the mouse cursor to specific monitors, so you can assign key combinations to those as well if you think they might be useful :)

Mar 7, 2019  • #4
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