Hey there, I've got a problem with my dual monitor setup...
On the left I have a 19" 1280x1024 monitor. On the right, I have a 24" 1920x1080 monitor. With my trial copy of UltraMon I can setup different wallpapers for each monitor as long as I have the correct sizes. However, with DF, I'm getting some weird results. Take a look at the attached screenshot...
Regardless of what I have set as my wallpaper on the left, the wallpaper on the right is pushed way off to the right. You can see where each monitor is by looking at the task bar. It almost looks like it's using the left wallpaper twice, then the right wallpaper.
Anyway, if anyone has any ideas of things to try, let me know!
I went ahead and bought a copy of DF since it's so much cheaper than UltraMon, so I hope this is a quick fix!
EDIT: Ok, what's weird is that if I lock my PC the wallpaper displays normally... but then when I unlock, it's goofy again.