2 discussion posts
Hello displayfusioniers,
first off, I know this forum is no general support forum for problems outside of displayfusion, but since it seems like many people around here are very well informed, I will still try my luck and take upon the shame of misusing the forum.
My question is regarding the hot plug function implemented in Display Port, effectively disconnecting turned off monitors completely and moving around windows/desktop icons/etc..
Is there a known solution to fix the problem of the monitor disabling itself?
I know of the triggers implemented in the V8 Beta of Displayfusion ( with is kind of automatic when once set up. I tried them once, but it’s more a constant regulation than a fix.
I could fix the position of the desktop icons with the help of this post: (changed all resolution values to 1920 or 1080, since all my monitor use the same one)
I tried do change DDC/CI settings of my monitor, no effect.
I changed Registry entries in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\TMM, also no effect.
The widely spread fix for Nvidia cards sadly only works with Quadro cards, because the EDID files can't be changed with Geforce cards.
So the remaining problem is the monitors blinking for 5-10 seconds, which isn't that much of a problem, and more critically, crashing my system in hibernation mode, because, at least I think so, the monitor sends some kind of info after a time of 15 minutes to up to some hours after turning off.
The only "real" solution I could find, at least what a lot of forums say, was the monitordetectionkiller. If there is no software solution, I think I will need to use DP-to-HDMI-->MDK-->monitor.
Maybe some of you better informed people out there can help me, and if not, maybe this post will at least help some poor fella who just discovered this problem get a little head start.
Best regards
3 discussion posts
There's scripting function that is available in Pro version that will provide alternative solution to it.
However, the save/load position will lost after the computer is rebooted.
I'm also finding how to get it right so Windows size and position will be saved even after PC rebooted.
Issachar is right, DisplayFusion has a script to handle this, but not between reboots. Sorry that doesn't perfectly fit what you're looking for, but Windows does a terrible job of managing windows when monitors sleep or get shuffled around.
3 discussion posts
I read something that another function could used to save the Windows size and position, but it's not clearly explained that I dunno how to do it.
Appreciate if some pro users could let us know.
Jul 22, 2016 (modified Jul 22, 2016)
2 discussion posts
Thank you for your replies.
Seems like I will have to buy a MDK then, for a permanent fix. I just hope it will work then. ^^
Thank you for trying and for your time.
Best Regards
3 discussion posts
Actually I'm still waiting for someone to reply.
I do not want to purchase other stuffs to "fix" this issue as I got displayfusion already.