If feasible, this would be a great addition to the utility of Foxit Reader 5. This free app is a good alternative to you-know-who's Reader. It does tabs — which is compelling for me — and correctly installs the relevant PDF handler for 64-bit Windows 7.
[For those who care, Foxit Reader can be 'civilized': - uninstall the unwanted toolbar (via Programs and Features)
- stopped the advertisements (delete %SystemDrive%\Program Files\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\Advertisement folder)
- eliminate the upgrade nag on the tab bar (delete %SystemDrive%\Program Files\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\Start\images folder)
Deselect "Show Start Page" in Prefences > General tab]
I've tested and confirmed that the TitleBar Buttons don't show up on FoxIt Reader. We'll hopefully have a fix for this issue in one of the next few beta versions.