window handles are perfectly fine for my use.
Now I see... there are two types of window position features:
"Save Window Positions" & "Restore Window Positions From Last Save"
This uses window handles and works even with dynamic window names.
But there is only one "memory" or stack for one position snapshot of the desktop?! I can only save on position snapshot for one display profile?!
"Window Position Profiles"
Can only be loaded from Triggers but can't be saved.
Support multiple snapshots.
No handle support. Instead a combination of "Process Filename", "Window Class" and "Window Text" is used. That's problematic for windows mit dynamic Window Texts.
So the question is... Why? Why can't I just have Window Position Profiles with window handle identification and full Trigger support (Save and Load)?
Or is it possible to grab the "Save Window Positions" data and backup and restore it somehow to implement profiles myself?
That would be great! xD