1 discussion post
Hi! Quick question about setting window positions with DisplayFusion. I'm using it on an ultrawide monitor, so I've set a rule that snaps the windows into thirds instead of just half, and it was fantastic and easy and took probably 4 minutes in total. I would like to be able to do this without losing "corner snapping" functionality though, in total that would be 9 positions; full, top, bottom, in left, center, right. A bit unweildly to have separate hotkeys for,
As far as I can tell, theres no way to create a custom function that preserves X position, and changes y position. Apparently only one main key can be used, (so no ALT+C+UP), So I'm going to dive into scripting
I guess my question is; Is there an argument to change only Y position? Or should I enter all 9 positions, and basically have it say "If Left, cycle through LeftTop, LeftCentre, LeftBottom"
Any insights as to how to go about this?