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1 discussion post
New user here. I would like to add a shortcut for the Windows Positioning Profile I have created either in the taskbar (preferabbly) or as a Tilebar Button. I just can't figure it out...Is this done by a scripted function? Or how could this be done? I saw a reference to a command line script in your docs, but wasn't sure how to make this into some sort of button.

Also, is there a way to remove/hide some of the menu items when you right click on the taskbar? I would like to simplify this.

Dec 17, 2024  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
You can add it to the titlebar via the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions tab.

You can add it as a taskbar button with the following steps:

1. In the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions, create a scripted function that runs this line: BFS.DisplayFusion.RunFunction("Load Window Position Profile: ProfileNameHere");
2. Right click an empty spot on the taskbar and head to Multi-Monitor Taskbar > Shortcuts > Edit Shortcuts
3. Select the monitor you want it to appear on, and click Add > Scripted Function > Select your scripted function created in step 1

The items in the context menu can't be removed.

Hope that helps!
Dec 18, 2024  • #2
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