Brendon Rogers
4 discussion posts
I have been using Display Fusion for quite a while now and this is the only issue I have ever had with it.
Basically I'm using two monitors, one with my windows taskbar on it and one with the display fusion taskbar on it.
I chose to put all running applications on the display fusion taskbar. Making my windows taskbar appear empty.
However, now the show desktop button on my windows taskbar dosen't work correctly. It dosent minimize the windows on the primary monitor. Probably because none are actually registered since they are all on the display fusion taskbar.
So I am just wondering if there is anyway around this?
Feb 12, 2015 (modified Feb 12, 2015)
Brendon Rogers
4 discussion posts
Here it is.
• Attachment [protected]: trouble shooting.txt [73,110 bytes]
Thanks! I tested your setup on a machine here, but couldn't reproduce the issue. Are you running Stardock Fences (for desktop icons) by any chance?
Brendon Rogers
4 discussion posts
Yeah I am actually.
Do you think that is interfering with it?
Yep, unfortunately there's a compatibility issue between DF and Fences that causes the Show Desktop function in Windows to act funky. It only happens if both Fences and DF are running, but we haven't been able to figure out why. It's still on our list, so if we're able to get it sorted in a future version, I'll be sure to let you know!
Brendon Rogers
4 discussion posts
Yeah you are right, disabling fences fixed the issue.
But it still works with fences enabled, as long as display fusion starts before fences on windows start up.
So can you suggest any program to configure a queue for start up programs?
I remember seeing you mention one on a discussion somewhere..
Eric Burgler765954
1 discussion post
If you are using fences, there is a way to get the 'Show Desktop' button to work. This is done by going to 'Configure Fences' --> 'Quick-hide' --> 'Settings' --> Check the 'Enabled' box.
• Attachment [protected]: Fences Config.png [111,706 bytes]
Oh nice, thanks for the heads up!