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4 discussion posts
Hi there!

It's been a long time since I reinstalled DisplayFusion, and have been using it uninterupted on windows 10 for years and years.
I've recently reinstalled (Windows 10 and DisplayFusion) and restored my settings, hotkeys etc using the restore function.

However, before reinstalling I was able to move a window from the left side of my left monitor across all the monitors to the far right side of the right monitor by using the shortcuts in my screenshot, however now the window seems to get attached to the side of the screen it's positioned against, and won't move further.

Any ideas what I've done wrong?
• Attachment: Annotation 2024-09-02 213350.png [88,556 bytes]
Annotation 2024-09-02 213350.png
Annotation 2024-09-02 213350.png
13 days ago  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
The functions in your screenshot will only move the window within the monitor it's on. You can create a Custom Function that moves the window to the monitor you want, and then positions it. We have a guide on creating custom functions here:
13 days ago  • #2
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