first of all let me say: excellent piece of software! Helped simplify some things i always wanted to.
Now to my problem:
As i updated from 7.1 to 7.3.1 the size of the taskbars on my external monitors changed.
Windows 8.1
18" Laptop Display (1920x1080)
2 x External
24" Displays via DisplayPort (1920x1080) (Left & Right)
The taskbars on my external monitors were always scaled properly (they were just physically bigger, but the same height in pixels) Which is what i want.
Now the taskbars are physically the same height (however this is accomplished) but
differ in pixel height!
Which first of all doesnt look good and secondly everything is way too small.
(Setting up the size manually and trying to get the exact height in pixels does not work, because the icons do not scale with it....)
Also the "jumplists" (in German its "Sprunglisten") became a lot smaller and difficult to read...
I hope somebody can help me, i have included 3 screenshots.
Old version (the way i want it to be):
New version (pixels dont match):
New version with changed taskbar on the right (does not work properly):
(Zoom on the splits of the screens to see it)
Thank you very much in advance,