Yes, really !
Case in point - Nero Burning ROM.
I've used it for donkey's years but it's grown from a small functional package to massive circa 1GB bloatware that tries to do everything and be everything to everyone. ie "take over the system" type software.
Everyone HATES IT for what it's become!
I do too, which is why I just run the portable version...
It's lost touch with its primary purpose - to burn cd's/dvd's.
Want to run screen diagnostics - use a diagnostic tool :
Dead pixels are like bad sectors - the bad old days of them existing are virtually gone.
Want to run apps on multiple screens - use DF.
As you yourself said - adding pixel testing would put it "over the top". I agree but in a different sense
DF can't be everything to everyone - otherwise it'll grow to a monster bigger than the US debt and we all know where that's going to end don't we..