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Thomas Gardner
2 discussion posts
I would really love to be able to not only use the saved wallpapers on my hard drive, but also off of, but as it is currently, I can only pick one or the other, which makes me sad, because I've accumulated so many wallpapers on my hard drive over the course of close to 10+ years now, and there are so many good wallpapers on, and some of them I want as wallpapers, but I can't save them to my desktop cause the option isn't there.

Would this be possible at some point in time if not already?
May 31, 2014  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Sorry, it's not possible to use multiple sources per-monitor yet. This is a great idea though, I've logged it in our tracking system.
Jun 1, 2014  • #2
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Thomas Gardner
2 discussion posts
Cool! Hopefully it will make it into reality, cause like I've pointed out, there's some kick ass images on that I so want to have as a wallpaper, but can't download it.
Jun 1, 2014  • #3
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