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1 discussion post

I installed DF to make use of a downloadable script, which switches the windows of the two Screens I use (Script name "Swap All Windows Between Selected Monitors (Keep Z Order)").
This is helpful for me, as my main screen is way bigger and more confortable and the other screen is only for quick looks. So if the content on the secondary screen comes into fokus I want to quickly change them.
Thereby it is important for me to switch not only the topmost window, but all windows on the screen, because I have them specificly sorted.

The downloadable Script "Swap All Windows Between Selected Monitors (Keep Z Order)" does pretty much what I wish for, but does it across all my virtual desktops opposed to only the ones which are displayed at the moment.
This creates a glitchy effect and probably also causes the function to run quite long.
Is there a way to circumvent this?

Thank you in advance!
Kind regards

PS: I am on Windows 10.
Aug 14, 2024  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We're going to add a new scripting function that will allow you to check for windows on the current virtual desktop, so this will be possible when that's been added.

Aug 15, 2024  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
DisplayFusion 11 Beta 6 includes a function for checking if a window is on the current virtual desktop. I've updated the script in the repository to skip any windows that aren't on the current virtual desktop. Could you give it a try when you have a chance?
10 days ago  • #3
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