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3 discussion posts
I recently added a 4th monitor and I sometimes turn it off. When I switch from my "3" profile to my "4" profile my PC completely freezes.

When I click on profile "4" in the taskbar my PC freezes and I can't move my mouse after a few seconds. Then, after about 10 seconds the sound turns off and then at 30 seconds it comes back. At 40 seconds in I can finally click on "Keep Changes".

Adding the 4th monitor in Display Settings on Windows 11 by "Extend desktop to this display" is instant and does not freeze my PC.

I just tested this with my "1" profile that I never use and it switched to the "4" profile fine.

Well after I keep switching profiles because I'm testing it as I write this post it's not doing it anymore? I'm pretty sure If I restart or try later it might. I'm confused right now. I think switching the profiles so much temp fixed it maybe? I wonder if that's why profile "1" worked.
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13 days ago (modified 13 days ago)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Strange, if the issue comes back just let us know.

9 days ago  • #2
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