16 discussion posts
on my PC, I have one windows user designated for when I use my television. On startup of this windows user, I have a bat file which automatically switches the monitor profile to one made for the TV. I have tried to make a bat file which switches the monitor profile back to my PC monitors when I shutdown, however it seems my system shuts down before the profile loads. My bat file for shutdown looks something like this.
start /b /wait "path to DisplayfusionCommand.exe" -monitorloadprofile "desired profile"
start /b "" "C:\windows\system32\shutdown.exe" -s -t 0
I read in another thread that this could possibly be accomplished through a DisplayFusion script, which could presumably wait to initiate the shutdown until the monitor profile change. I am not a coder, and was wondering how I could do this within DisplayFusion. Furthermore, I have been using bat files, as I can execute them with a controller directly from Playnite.
16 discussion posts
thank you for the reply. since you mentioned adding a delay to the shutdown, does that mean DisplayFusion might shutdown before the monitor profile is properly loaded? otherwise i can just use the bat file with a delay. or would displayfusion be able to wait with the shutdown until the monitor profile is properly changed.
as soon as the monitor profile is properly loaded, i want the system to shutdown immediately. furthermore, with the script you made, could you call upon it with somethjng like a shortcuts from Playnite?