Thanks for the kind words! I'm not quite sure what you mean by having its own set of DF windows. Which windows are you referring to?
2 discussion posts
Thanks for geting back to me.
I use DF on a single monitor; 43" 4k spit into 4x(roughly) 1080p 'monitors' using a 2x2 arrangement. I adore it for work stuff.
The issue is that I use Task View to navigaet several virtual desktops under Win10. This works fine, but only for the first monitor. The other 3 aren't part of the virtual desktop experience, so remain presistent across each virtual desktop, despite monitor 1 working as designed.
As I use these desktops to segment work-types and DF to split the applications I'm using for a specific function, I have to be judicious in what goes where.
What I was hoping to do is have each and every monitor attached to a virtual desktop so that when I change, every monitor changes.
I hope this clears up the requirement!