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1 discussion post
I noticed that displayfusions own taskbar and windows taskbar behaves a little differently, while hidden!

With the display fusion hidden taskbar, even if you slightly go near edge, it always activates and react to every possible accidentals. Even if you are just making long arc with mouse, and didn't meant to use taskbar.
(This is problem, especially if you are customed to use taskbar in the top, as its faster to have all the possible menus and interactions there. And also different size of monitors, not aligning perfectly when jumping between screens, makes easily taksbar accidentals)

With Windows hidden taksbar, if you are dragging mouse from side to side agains't the screen edge, the windows taskbar doesn't appear, as it react to minimum velosity, or somethin. And that's a good thing, as it reduces accidentals, specially if you use taskbar in the top.
(These rare moments, when Microsoft has actually done something right ;) Offcourse now win11 doesn't let you drag the taskbar anywhere, so its the time to stupefy everything, by microsoft!)

So it would be nice to have some sort of sensitivity settings for the taskbar generally?
(if not already existing?, atleast I didn't find anything)
So shall it be feature request or better support for taskbars, but something please!

  • Would be good to have velosity range, to determine when does it react.
  • Also microseconds reaction time would be nice, to remove accidents, when targeting programs top-menus, with top-taskbar.
  • Also rehide time would be great to adjust, as win10 atleast have very good taskbar, that lingers atleast halfsecond and therefore improves fast glance.
  • Also could the "win key" be hooked to displayfusion taskbar, instead of original? So that, it would ignore the win-taskbar
  • Sep 20, 2024 (modified Sep 20, 2024)  • #1
    Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
    I've added this to our feature request list. We don't guarantee that feature requests will be implemented, or offer timelines on possible implementation. We'll be sure to let you know if we do add it to our planned features in a future version.

    We can't change the Win key hooking unfortunately, we need to wait for it to be sent and opened before we can hook into it.

    28 days ago  • #2
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