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12 discussion posts
I've updated to the latest Windows 11 Insider build in the Beta-branch (10.0.22635.4145) and Display Fusion 11 Beta 6 seems to fail in regard to when windows are maximized on the extra screens.
I have a 3 monitor setup. The middle monitor is using Windows own controlled taskbar, which works fine. When windows are maximized on that screen the window doesn't go behind the taskbar.
On the 2 side monitors (one on each side) when I maximize the windows it maximizes, but the bottom of the window shows behind the taskbar as show on the attached screenshot.
• Attachment [protected]: Side-monitor.jpg [67,428 bytes]
13 days ago  • #1
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It also seems like DisplayFusion is crashing/restarting. The taskbar on the 2 side monitors disappears once in a while and comes back as if it's crashing and reloading.
12 days ago  • #2
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me a copy of your troubleshooting info? Here are the steps:

  • Open the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached
12 days ago  • #3
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Just came home this evening and turned on the computer and things seems to be behaving normally so far after the computer has been booted up.
I've attached the troubleshooting info anyway.
• Attachment [protected]: [398,840 bytes]
12 days ago  • #4
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I didn't see the issue yesterday, but this morning the issue is back on a fresh boot up.
I'm attaching a new log just to make sure if anything changes between it working and not working.
• Attachment [protected]: [166,492 bytes]
10 days ago  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for sending that over. Can you turn on "Enable Prompt to Restart Explorer when Issue Detected" in the Advanced Settings, restart DisplayFusion, and see if you get a prompt the next time this happens?
10 days ago  • #6
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The issue with the taskbar being on top of maximized windows was there today still when I got home.

I've enabled that setting you asked for and less than 10 seconds later I got the attached prompt.
After saying Yes, the taskbar reloads, then disappears for like 5 seconds, comes back and now maximizing windows are actually maximized and windows are not behind the taskbar.

I don't have Start11 or any program like that installed.
Could Windows 11 be enabling new taskbar functions with the 24H2 Insider pre-views?
• Attachment [protected]: 2024-09-06_20-06-41.jpg [38,668 bytes]
10 days ago  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, thanks for confirming! Not sure what would be causing it as Start11 was the usual culprit, though I have had it happen when disconnecting/reconnecting to a remote desktop session as well. Unfortunately the core issue is in Windows though, not DisplayFusion so restarting the explorer is the only workaround at the moment.
9 days ago  • #8
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Ok, thanks for confirming! Not sure what would be causing it as Start11 was the usual culprit, though I have had it happen when disconnecting/reconnecting to a remote desktop session as well. Unfortunately the core issue is in Windows though, not DisplayFusion so restarting the explorer is the only workaround at the moment.

Yeah, I haven't used a remote desktop session either.
Today it's worked fine since I powered on the computer. So, it seems like it's every other day that it's defective, or so.

Is there anything specific I should try and look into? Like errors in Event Viewer or so?
I work in IT as a day job, so if there is anything you want me to look into and can give me some sort of instruction to figure it out I'll try and look into it.
9 days ago  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I've heard of it happening after sleep/hibernate as well, so probably also possible during docking/undocking if you're using a laptop. There isn't really much you can do to help troubleshoot unfortunately. It's a Windows bug in explorer.exe and we've spent weeks trying to troubleshoot it before without success. The only remedy is to restart explorer.exe when it happens :(
4 days ago  • #10
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I've heard of it happening after sleep/hibernate as well, so probably also possible during docking/undocking if you're using a laptop. There isn't really much you can do to help troubleshoot unfortunately. It's a Windows bug in explorer.exe and we've spent weeks trying to troubleshoot it before without success. The only remedy is to restart explorer.exe when it happens :(

I've had 2 days where it didn't happen, and then yesterday funnily enough after hibernation, it happened again. This time it didn't ask for exploerer.exe to be restarted.
This morning when I powered on the computer (after I shut it down completely last night) the issue was there and DisplayFusion asked me to restart it to get it working.
I also noticed there are no indications in Event Log about the issue, as far as I can see.

Completely fair about the troubleshooting. Just an annoying bug :(
4 days ago  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Yeah it's a weird one. It would affect any application that creates an appbar (docked window on a screen edge) so I'm surprised it's something that Microsoft hasn't fixed yet.
2 days ago  • #12
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Yeah, the only reason I'm still using DisplayFusion is because I'm using 3 monitors and have seperate icons on each taskbar to correspond to the apps I launch on those montitors. I'm surprised Microsoft STILL doesn't allow this in Windows 11. Their functionality is close to useless. (To be honest it is COMPLETELY useless).
So for me it's not a choice to use a 3rd party tool it's a necessity. So, I'm glad DisplayFusion still exist however annoying this new bug is :D
2 days ago  • #13
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