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343 discussion posts
Jon, gotta say, you impress me with Displayfusion. Great job! My one request would be a taskbar on the second monitor option. This could be included in the pay version as it would be WELL worth it! There's only two out there, one is ridiculously expensive and the other, while free, is a bit week and not being updated any longer. You mentioned in another post that this didn't seem to difficult, so I thought I would start a new thread.


thanks again for some sweet software!
May 25, 2008  • #1
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1 discussion post
I just stumbled upon this program today (been a long time user of ultramon, but the frequent errors and crashes under Vista have finally reached the point where I'm looking for an alternative) and made an account to bump this.

Being able to extend the task bar and more importantly being able to have each task bar individually show the tasks that are running on their monitor only, is pretty much the main reason for me to use a multimonitor software.

Would be great if this could be implemented, thanks :)

EDIT: Seems in Feb 24 it was said this is already being worked on, awesome, can't wait! :D (
May 26, 2008  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
This is something I have in a test project, but it still isn't ready for primetime yet. I'm working on some major changes for v2.2 (one of them being localization) which is taking up quite a bit of time. It will come eventually though - thanks for the positive feedback. :)
Jun 7, 2008  • #3
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The weird thing is I've got this working on one of my machines. I don't know how exactly but I have this idea that on a previous version you could extend the taskbar on to the second monitor.

Given what you've said this is clearly wrong. However, I can confirm that my taskbar extends on to my second monitor. The buttons on the taskbar relate to windows open on that monitor. And as far as I can remember, when the program has crashed (I'm sure because of Vista) the second taskbar disappears.

The other weird thing is I've got a machine at home with the exact same specs and this doesn't have an extended taskbar.

For the record, I'm running Vista Business on a 2.4Ghz dual core intel processor with an Nvidia GEForce 8600 card.
Aug 21, 2008  • #4
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I'm not sure what to tell you, but it's definitely not DisplayFusion extending the taskbar.
Sep 18, 2008  • #5
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343 discussion posts
The weird thing is I've got this working on one of my machines. I don't know how exactly but I have this idea that on a previous version you could extend the taskbar on to the second monitor.

Given what you've said this is clearly wrong. However, I can confirm that my taskbar extends on to my second monitor. The buttons on the taskbar relate to windows open on that monitor. And as far as I can remember, when the program has crashed (I'm sure because of Vista) the second taskbar disappears.

The other weird thing is I've got a machine at home with the exact same specs and this doesn't have an extended taskbar.

For the record, I'm running Vista Business on a 2.4Ghz dual core intel processor with an Nvidia GEForce 8600 card.

Nvidia software has the 'extend taskbar to second monitor' ability. You no-doubt have that enabled and didn't know it. It's fairly usless though, as it doesn't segregate apps to what monitor their on.
Sep 20, 2008  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
It's true, the nVidia doesn't really go far enough with the functionality it provides. I hope to have this feature integrated into DisplayFusion in the future.
Oct 29, 2008  • #7
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343 discussion posts
It's true, the nVidia doesn't really go far enough with the functionality it provides. I hope to have this feature integrated into DisplayFusion in the future.

Jon, you'd be one of about 2 people that have pulled this off. You'll be famous! Put this in the Pro version and you'll get tons of purchases as well...
Oct 30, 2008  • #8
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Well, it's in the works, but it's not nearly ready for prime time yet. :)
Nov 5, 2008  • #9
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1 discussion post
Just to add my support for having a taskbar on the 2nd monitor. This is really a must for me too .. and if you added this I'd buy it in a flash and happily recommend it to others. It's the only thing keeping me with Ultramon right now.

Kind Regards
Nov 14, 2008  • #10
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Stay tuned for more information... I have news about this feature that I'll be posting this weekend. :)
Nov 14, 2008  • #11
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I am ready to start beta testing for this new feature. Please check this out for more information:
Nov 16, 2008  • #12
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