I've been trying to fix this for ages, before and after getting DF.
This has been the only reliable way that I could get full screen Youtube videos to run on one monitor, without blacking out the other two monitors.
Download this Chrome extension (might be for other browsers, too?)
I tried all the other similar plugins that I could find, this one does it the best...
Install the plugin, restart chrome. Go to Youtube. It'll give you a popout arrow icon near your video. Click it. The video is now in it's own window. (My DF is set to make each new chrome window to a certain screen, and to maximize)
With DF, you can then click your title bar buttons to run the functions move to next monitor, and then remove borders and captions from windows. And that's it really.
I went through the trouble of making triggers that would automate most of this, but honestly it's only 3 close buttons you have to click to get this to work. (popout button,move window, remove border), then alt+f4 the popout window when you are done.
I've found about a thousand searches for this problem over the net for the last 6 months or so. I hope someone stumbles across this and it can help them out!