2 discussion posts
Hi, I imagine the software does this but I can't find out how..
I am an Ultrauseless convert, but one thing I liked was the ability to click the next monitor icon, and it offered me a list of my 3 monitors that I could easily click on to move from 1st to third monitor etc. I know I can do this with "previous monitor", but I like the option selection option, or failing that an Icon for each monitor that shortcuts to each monitor. IE 1 2 3.
Can this be done, or is there another better way
Alternatively a Control Alt 1 2 3 for move currently selected window to said Monitor.
2 discussion posts
Hi There!
Actually I didn't like the button click show a graphical representation of the window list, but if if could do this and then I could type a monitor number on the keyboard that might work. 1 2 3 icons on the Window Title would be ok for 3, but not ok for 6 I wouldn't think...