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23 discussion posts
I have noticed that sometimes the titlebar buttons will overlap other windows. As you can see from the attached screen the buttons from the bottom window are showing on the top most active window. I have seen this happen with several applications and window types but cannot figure out what is causing it. It seems to be very random in nature.
• Attachment: TitleBar.png [5,597 bytes]
Jul 30, 2009  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I have noticed this as well, with certain windows. If you are able to narrow down a specific application that would be perfect. I think it has something to do with popup message windows, but haven't been able to confirm it yet. Thanks!
Jul 30, 2009  • #2
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343 discussion posts
Yeah, it's a tricky juggling game with the buttons. I'm curious how NVIDIA handles their button addons. They're rock solid, don't move in the lease and are on instantly. One thing I notice is they're on all windows all the time, so you don't get funkyness when a window passes over another... (see pic)
• Attachment: NVIDIA Buttons.png [31,070 bytes]
NVIDIA Buttons.png
NVIDIA Buttons.png
Jul 30, 2009  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Where did you get the nVidia buttons from, I'd be interested in trying them out. Thanks!
Jul 30, 2009  • #4
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343 discussion posts
Where did you get the nVidia buttons from, I'd be interested in trying them out. Thanks!

It's in the NVIDIA (nView) control panel (assuming you have an NVIDIA video card).
• Attachment: NVIDIA Buttons2.png [32,553 bytes]
NVIDIA Buttons2.png
NVIDIA Buttons2.png
Jul 31, 2009  • #5
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229 discussion posts
In Vista and W7 - I think the are only available with software/drivers for the Quadro cards.
Jul 31, 2009  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Has anyone tried the nVidia buttons in Windows Vista/7 while using Aero? I came up with a different method of rendering the buttons that worked much better, but it didn't work in Aero.
Jul 31, 2009  • #7
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343 discussion posts
In Vista and W7 - I think the are only available with software/drivers for the Quadro cards.

Correct (XP as well). (all of my lab machines have the workstation Quadro cards as well as most of my people) For what it's worth, the NVIDIA buttons don't look as good, nor keep up with moving windows as well as DF's buttons.
Jul 31, 2009  • #8
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I am fairly happy with the DF buttons as they are now. They keep up fairly well in most situations, and they are more compatible with custom-drawn applications that other applications I've seen. However, the one thing that still really bugs me is how the DF buttons disappear when partially covered. This is a compromise I made so that the buttons would always stay on top of the target window. Hopefully in the future I'll be able to work out a better method that will still retain the compatibility that is currently has.
Jul 31, 2009  • #9
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343 discussion posts
I am fairly happy with the DF buttons as they are now. They keep up fairly well in most situations, and they are more compatible with custom-drawn applications that other applications I've seen. However, the one thing that still really bugs me is how the DF buttons disappear when partially covered. This is a compromise I made so that the buttons would always stay on top of the target window. Hopefully in the future I'll be able to work out a better method that will still retain the compatibility that is currently has.

NVIDIA's site has some screen shots ( of the buttons on Vista (don't look too bad). From the lag I've seen on my work box, you're buttons track better :-).
Jul 31, 2009  • #10
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks - I'm glad to hear that. :) They're as snappy as I can make them for now, without significant polling and dragging the rest of the system down. Now I just need to sort out the issue Apollo29 had int he first post. :)
Jul 31, 2009  • #11
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229 discussion posts
I have found that nview buttons are unstable depending upon what type of window they are overlying. Some app are worse than others.
However this could be a problem, probably with DF as well.
I know UM has similar issues with "unfriendly windows/apps".
Jul 31, 2009  • #12
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
This information is in regards to an older beta version, so I'm locking/archiving this topic. If you experience this issue again with a newer version please re-post and we'll sort it out. Thanks! :)
Dec 17, 2009  • #13
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