3 discussion posts
Is it possible to publish certain titlebar buttons through Group Policy? For example, is there a setting that can be tweaked to show the "Size and Move Window to Left Side of Monitor" in the titlebar? Thank you
Not through the ADMX templates, no, but you could do this using Group Policy Preferences. Could you tell me which TitleBar Button icon set you're using? (Black, White, or Aero)
3 discussion posts
Ok, I am currently using Windows XP (Dark).
Ok, so basically, you need to setup a group policy preference to set the following registry value:
Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\HotKeys
Value Name: HotKey_SizeLeft_TitleBarImage
Value Data (without the quotes): "Windows XP (Dark)\Left Side.png"
Note that you'll need to do a gpupdate /force after setting up the GPP, then logout/login for this change to take effect.
Hope that helps!
Oct 18, 2016 (modified Oct 18, 2016)