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273 discussion posts
I hope I'm not going to give you nightmares, but I just noticed this. When a caption is long, the titlebar buttons sit on top of text in the caption. This looks pretty bad. Since your program is aware of Visual styles, could you possibly clean up the caption below the buttons? Perhaps you could just make a button "palette" that could fill the caption bar from the right-most button so that it obscures the caption. Perhaps you could make the buttons bigger (like MS does) and snug them up to the existing buttons; that way, it would handle the problem while the obvious difference in the button (esp. if the user picks a different color) would alay confusion.

Thisis a hard one, and with other peculiarities of the titlebar buttons, I don't know if there is a good solution....
• Attachment: longCaption.JPG [25,382 bytes]
Jul 28, 2009  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I've noticed this as well, and there is truly nothing I can do about it. :( I can't truncate the window's title and I can't re-draw the caption bar behind the DF buttons to cover the text. I think we're just going to have to live with this. :(
Jul 28, 2009  • #2
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273 discussion posts
Can't make the buttons larger and closer together, and closer to the real Windows buttons?
Jul 28, 2009  • #3
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343 discussion posts
I've got a machine at work that has NVIDIA titlebar buttons. I'll look into how they handle the same situation. I'm guessing there's nothing that can be (realistically) done outside of drawing a frame around the DF buttons (and with all the different styles, that would probably look like hell - especially when you get to Windows 7).
Jul 29, 2009  • #4
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141 discussion posts
IMHO titlebar buttons should be put on the backburner or scrapped altogether. You'll never get it working perfectly and detracts from the great job you've done with DP.
Look at how it looks when windows is skinned and that's something completely beyond your control:
• Attachment: titlebar.JPG [21,694 bytes]
Jul 29, 2009  • #5
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343 discussion posts
IMHO titlebar buttons should be put on the backburner or scrapped altogether. You'll never get it working perfectly and detracts from the great job you've done with DP.
Look at how it looks when windows is skinned and that's something completely beyond your control:

respectfully disagree. :-) WindowBlinds is a relatively small percentage of windows users, and will be even more (less) so when Windows 7 hits in October. The most I'd do is throw up a warning that DF buttons may not appear correctly if third party Windows themes are used. The overall advantages seen by the vast majority makes this a very useful addition and something most people have been asking for. (IMHO)
Jul 29, 2009  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
This feature is the number one requested feature that is going into this release, so I'm definitely not going to cut it. :) It's true that it will never be perfect, especially with custom-drawn windows, or when using other window skinning software. There really isn't a good solution to the long caption problem, especially in Windows 7 like benway mentioned. I would argue that it works perfectly in all situations, and looks good in 95% of the applications I have tested with. Even though it's not 100% I think it is excellent for the first release. :)
Jul 29, 2009  • #7
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273 discussion posts
I rather like the concept and they can be convenient(*), but they do behave funky. :mrgreen: That's no reason to dump them, esp. since they are entirely optional.

I'll suggest it again: On the Titlebar tab of settings, put a note that describes the behavior like "Titlebar buttons are not part of the Windows GUI, but independent windows floating above the caption. The title of the window may extend underneath them and they may appear to snap to the caption when you move a Window. This is normalbehavior."

(*) I like the change wallpaper button and the move to next window and maximize button.
Jul 29, 2009  • #8
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273 discussion posts
Just a note here. That titlebar buttons work generally well is pretty amazing. This is something only the process owning the window is supposed to be able to do (on the WM_NCPAINT message) and that's why Adobe and WinAmp are pretty seamless. That an external process can do this and usu. look like a GUI enhancement instead of an overlay is a testament to Jon's coding savvy.
Jul 29, 2009  • #9
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Thank you for the feedback, sfwrtr, and the vote of confidence. :) I don't plan on adding a warning to interface. There are many things in DisplayFusion that don't behave 100% like the Windows equivalent, so I don't want to end up with warnings all over the place. I think 99% of the people won't notice/care, and the other 1% (like you and I) can contact me if they feel it might be a bug. :)
Jul 30, 2009  • #10
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343 discussion posts
NVIDIA buttons even run over the titlebar text, though they do have a nice border around them (though that trick won't work with W7). Google Chrome also messes with the NVIDIA buttons.
• Attachment: NVIDIA Buttons3.png [27,746 bytes]
NVIDIA Buttons3.png
NVIDIA Buttons3.png
Jul 30, 2009  • #11
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273 discussion posts
Thank you for the feedback, sfwrtr, and the vote of confidence. :)

You're welcome.
I don't plan on adding a warning to interface. There are many things in DisplayFusion that don't behave 100% like the Windows equivalent, so I don't want to end up with warnings all over the place. I think 99% of the people won't notice/care, and the other 1% (like you and I) can contact me if they feel it might be a bug. :)

Your call, there. I won't mention it again. I'll keep looking forward to the new stuff. :-D
Jul 30, 2009  • #12
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks again. :)
Jul 31, 2009  • #13
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