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Mark Johnson6
15 discussion posts
I am doing a trial of the latest version of DF.
I notice that in some application windows, most noticeably in Firefox (version 12) the titlebars will blink out (completely disappear) at random intervals, then reappear about a half second later. My guess is this happens on average about once every 30 seconds. It does not seem to be related to any application activity, processor usage, disk activity, etc. Of course, it is very annoying because you can't help but see it out of the corner of your eye.

In some applications it does not happen at all, but especially with Firefox it is VERY annoying.

Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit on an intel core-7 machine with 16gb ram. I have added several buttons, and have 12 DF titlebar buttons displaying in total.
May 25, 2012  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
In Firefox, does it seem to happen if you hold down a modifier key (i.e. Shift or CTRL) for a few seconds?
May 26, 2012  • #2
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Mark Johnson6
15 discussion posts
In Firefox, does it seem to happen if you hold down a modifier key (i.e. Shift or CTRL) for a few seconds?

I just tested, and holding down a modifier key does not trigger it.
It happens when I am doing nothing at all except reading a displayed webpage (not even scrolling).
May 26, 2012  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, could you do the following to help troubleshoot the issue?
  • Update to the latest beta version (
  • Enable debug logging on the Troubleshooting tab (set it to Logging: Important Only) and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue (please note the time so I'll know where to look in the log file)
  • Send me the %appdata%\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.log file (can be found by clicking the 'Open Log' button on the Troubleshooting tab)
May 26, 2012  • #4
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Mark Johnson6
15 discussion posts
The log is attached.
Between 1:20am and 1:22am the 'blink out and blink back on' happened at least a dozen times.

Something else I noticed that will appear on the log - In the Steam.exe application the taskbar buttons were constantly shifting about one button width to the left, then back to the right. It was doing this every few seconds, and when they shifted left the original images were still present (i.e. the 'new' button positions were overlapping the 'old' button positions - no screen redraw). When the buttons shifted back to the right they would redraw, so only one of each button would appear.
May 27, 2012 (modified May 27, 2012)  • #5
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Mark Johnson6
15 discussion posts
OK, this is the second time I have tried to attach the file.
• Attachment: DisplayFusion.log [4,121,863 bytes]
May 27, 2012  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks Mark! It looks like Firefox is fighting for position in the ZOrder with a program called Stickies, which looks to be some kind of sticky notes type app? I installed Stickies and couldn't reproduce the issue, but perhaps I have it configured differently from yours.

Would you be able to take a screenshot of both screens when the issue is happening, so that I can see the locations of Firefox and the Stickies note when it's happening?

May 28, 2012  • #7
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Mark Johnson6
15 discussion posts
There is normally no screen with the Stickies application. I use it for alarms; I double-click the tray icon, which pops up a note. I type in what I want to be reminded of, then right-click on the note to set an alarm and hide the note until the alarm happens. When the alarm happens, the note appears on the screen. There are no notes on the screen at the time the displayfusion problem happens in Firefox. For example when typing this in a textbox in Firefox, the DF titlebar icons blinked twice, but the only place Stickies appears is in the tray icon.
May 28, 2012  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Strange! Could you try exiting Stickies temporarily to see if the Firefox TitleBar Buttons stop blinking? If they do, could you attach screenshots of each tab in the Stickies settings so that I can setup my test environment the same as yours?

If you could attach a copy of your DisplayFusion Settings (use the Backup Settings button on the Options tab), that would be fantastic.

May 28, 2012  • #9
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Mark Johnson6
15 discussion posts
I completely uninstalled Stickies, and the blinking still happens.
The settings .reg file is attached.
May 28, 2012  • #10
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, thanks Mark! Would you be able to send another debug log without Stickies running so we can see if there's some other application that's causing Firefox to constantly reset its ZOrder? I still haven't been able to reproduce this issue here, so we'll need to track down what's causing it on your system.

May 30, 2012  • #11
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Mark Johnson6
15 discussion posts
Hi, Keith. I worked late last night, and when I got home I replaced the video card in my main computer so didn't get a chance to do what you requested. I am very curious if the problem remains at all after replacing the video card. Today I am working from home, and so far I have not noticed the problem but am working through a vnc connection to the work domain and haven't had a chance to really stress the offending applications yet. I'll let you know tonight when I can give it a good test.

By the way -- the video card replacement wasn't because of a problem with the old one, just a desire to improve it. The old one is a Radeon HD 5770 which is going into a server. The new one is a GTX 560 ti 448. I work as a software architect and like to develop games as a hobby so just wanted a faster card.

Thanks for your help on this; I am very impressed by your attention to user problems.

May 31, 2012  • #12
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Interesting! Thanks for the update Mark! Please let me know how it works out when you get a chance to test it.
May 31, 2012  • #13
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Mark Johnson6
15 discussion posts
Since upgrading the graphics card and power supply in this pc, the 'blink out, then reappear' problem has disappeared. It was happening very frequently before, and was quite irritating.

When the pc had the problem, the graphics card was the Radeon 5770 with latest drivers. I have installed both the 5770 card and the 500W PSU that were in this computer into another machine, but I do not have DF installed on that computer so can't really say if the problem traveled with it. That computer is acting as a server, and has so far been rock solid with the hardware so I don't really have a reason to think there was a problem with the card or psu.

My guess is the problem either has something to do with the ATI Radeon 5770 card, the drivers for that card, or a combination of the drivers and that particular card. If you can snag a 5770 card and the current 64 bit Windows 7 drivers for it, maybe you'll be able to recreate the problem.

Thanks a lot for the great support for my problem, even if it did disappear in an unexpected manner!

Jun 2, 2012  • #14
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Mark Johnson6
15 discussion posts
It is now doing the blink out/reappear as often as it was previously, so the change of video card did not have the impact it appeared to for a couple of days.

I enabled the logging for 3 minutes, that is attached. During those 3 minutes there were several blink out/reappear occurrences in Firefox. Heck, it happened 5 times just in the short time it took for me to write this email.

• Attachment: DisplayFusion.log [115,804 bytes]
Jun 8, 2012  • #15
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, thanks for sending the log! There's a couple of lines in the log that look interesting, so we're going to investigate, and I'll keep you posted on what we find out.
Jun 14, 2012  • #16
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just a quick update on this, would you be able to give 4.2 Beta 3 a try to see if you still have this issue?

Sep 21, 2012  • #17
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